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Warning you now for stupidity later...

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posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 06:56 AM
Wow, listen. Is a bad teacher reflective of the actual subject they profess? No they are just maybe a jerk. Anyways, one must realize (you take for granted your freedom) that when the Freemason's Grand Lodge of England began to practice. It would seem that no one else wanted them talking about the masons as at the time churches were minor in maintaining the peace. The Knights Templar were all but eradicated historically they were considered heretics. The only fear and/or conspiritorial evidence these days it all should be in one's own ability to accomplish anything the want, while fharnessing the truer nature of the Craft.
I f you just want to argue you will do it alone.

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 07:54 AM
I'm not sure where you're coming up with this. You act as though we are not controlled. Granted I have no actual proof it's the freemasons anymore than a gang of ethereal lizards wanting their planet back. But the facts hit me every day I wake. We are controlled. And guess what. I don't like it. Who is doing it is of much less importance to me than getting free from it. Freemasons are not my teachers. I don't need them anymore than ATS needs me. What I do need is to get out of as many controlled systems as possible so I can free up some time to do something of importance. This running around for stupidity's sake is more than annoying. The craft is just a compartmentalized version of the true knowledge. It's simply used as another control mechanism for those that are drawn to it. In other words those that use it are not free. Since my only desire is true freedom then neither the craft nor it's teachers are my teachers. The beings that share the mentality of free information exchange are my teachers and I am theirs. I desire not a constricted view of the universe. I desire an open-ended view without restrictions.

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 08:11 AM
what are you going to do of importance on this world?? lmao unless u have love there is nothing of importance, that is the importance, and no controlling system can take love from you, although they can sure try at it

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 08:34 AM
Love is fine but we are still in a nuts and bolts universe. We are not in 3d to just sit around and contemplate our navel lint. We are here as explorers, engineers, mappers and universe spelunkers. If one didn't Love life then they wouldn't be interested in exploring life. Look at all the people that prayed to their Gods out of Love for humanity during WWII. What exactly did it change? Nothing. 65,000,000 people died. There are about 3x the US population today that suffer from chronic hunger. My Love does nothing for them. Look at all the deaths caused by religion. And religion is supposed to be the one thing that teaches Love. No, your argument doesn't stand in the real world. It's simply a feel good idea that allows one's consciousness to fall back to sleep so they have an excuse for not taking part in the path we have chosen. Please, wake up and catch up. Reality exists despite what you and I think. After your loving consciousness departs your body people will still die, children will still go hungry, wars will still decimate populations, governments will still seek to control and people will still be trying to push their love on others. Which of course is tantamount to infringing on free will. Not everyone wants your love.

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 08:35 AM
Absolutely it is about love, however...It is much deeper than that if one is willing to go there. If you are in self development and pursuing spiritual awakening and then hit upon a great realtionship that does not mean that you should or can (some personality adjustments allow vision that can't be returned)
go back to being an a**hole! I don't know how it came that I began my quest to offer my gratitude to the maker of man and attempt to de-construct the control matrix that as manifest of-
advertising, media and global marketing networks, but here I am
at a stage where I have learned through disciplined self-induced psychological conditioning, that I can do anything that I want to and that one really has to believe their philosophy to have drawn it as it is and actually live by the standards I set for myself.

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 08:48 AM
What has this got to do with facilities exactly?


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