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Astral projection and all taht good stuff, please come in

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posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 05:00 PM
If anyone is interested I know people that have astral projected, and All the cool things you can do in the astral plains.. Also i can move fire and gather my ki to do stuff, agian if anyone is interested and share their knowlegde and experiences id be glad to listen because I still have stuff to learn and am willing to teach

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 12:34 AM
Hi I'd love to learn more I have been trying for a long time but have never gotten past vibrations although I feel I could have but I forced myself awake. Anyway I'd love to learn more. Please U2U me.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 12:57 AM
Hi. I've just recently got into this stuff. My freind can make a Chi ball, and it gets pretty hot between his hands. He's been doing energy work for a few years now (I've never tried energy work yet, although I really would like to cleans my body and get 'in tune' with the universe).

Niether of us have had an OBE, let alone AP. Everytime I try...I fall asleep!

I'm not sure what the vibrations are supposed to feel like. I've heard that the astral world is closer to the 'real world' than the physical one. Any tips on training, eating habits, meditation, etc. would help alot of us beginners out.

Also, descriptions of how the senses work in the astral...I wear glasses, would my sight 'fix itself' in the astral?!?!

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 07:36 AM

I'm not sure what the vibrations are supposed to feel like.

You'll know it when you feel it. Like being shaken from head to toe on a violent boat, almost as if you are in one of those drink mixer cups, plus a little bit of electrical feeling. It will be overwhelming at first. If you even feel it..... not everybody does. Different people can get different sensations, and completely not have the others.

Any tips on training, eating habits, meditation, etc. would help alot of us beginners out.

Do an ATS search. All of these things have already been discussed numerous times, through dozens of AP/OOBE-related posts. RiverGoddess has a 20+ page post about it, and I have done an introductory podcast series to AP, etc.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 10:35 AM
River Goddes' topic about OOBE:

If i'm not mistaken it's still open

PS: 4 the moderators - since there has been an increasing number of requests about OOBE lately, how about to make River Goddes's topic sticky (sp?)?

[edit on 22-11-2005 by Sparhawk]

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 03:41 PM
well yea like he said u'll experience violent recactions, and also u should hear a poping noise and then u will see yourself from your astral veiw.. Now dont be alarmed your not dead. Your astral guidian should apear... also a quick note some animals might see you (cats, and what not) in your astral state).
Now to do it the best way is going to a certain room lets say your bedroom.. and for about a while just go around it looking a the colors and the shapes and everything in there.. Gather up as much as detal as possible. the smell, texture ,etc... now then you lay down get really comfortable. Clear your mind and then start the breathing exreicses( the higher you get the more relaxed you are).... Then once you cant feel your body anymore visualize yourself getting up or your spirit rising up. Then imagin yourself going around the room seeing how stuff is...NOTE that this is not astral projection just practice.. The keep doing that everyday and by the end of the week you can actually do it or longer depending on the person... Test yourself have someone write somehting on paper and put it in another room, jus so you know this stuff is real.. And farily soon you should be able to go out on your own. Differnet palces..
NOTE ki or chi is unlimited in the astral plains, so go on and have fun with it.

And as for ki balls the way you form them is bye sittin straight back in mediation position legs crossed. Then make a triangle with your hands right below your belly butten and focus all your enegy there and you should be able to make one. But caution it takes time so dont stress. It would be alot easier to know if you've done it if you have awaked your third eye

To awaken third eye is just focues your engery on your forhead.... iamgin it tearing apart and awakening it.... This takes some time.. but the final result is seeing peoples auras as well as your own...

I have done this and i am fairly good with KI but astral projection i havent really had time for, but yes i know how to do it so yea have fun you can acomplish some great things you guys

Have fun

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 11:26 PM
Thank you for all the tips guys and girls.

As for the RiverGoddesses page. it's 20+ I don't exactly have the time (or will) to sit in front of the monitor for that long. I read maybe the first 7 or 8, but alot of the tips are conflicting with eachother, I ws just kinda hoping to hear it on another thread...

Oh well. Off to try it again.

posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 12:18 AM

Basically, a compressed version of Robert Bruce's "Astral Dynamics." You may find it very helpful.

posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Yarcofin

I'm not sure what the vibrations are supposed to feel like.

You'll know it when you feel it. Like being shaken from head to toe on a violent boat, almost as if you are in one of those drink mixer cups, plus a little bit of electrical feeling. It will be overwhelming at first. If you even feel it..... not everybody does. Different people can get different sensations, and completely not have the others.

I have to dissagree with ya on this one Yarcofin.

When I AP or get near it to do it.. the vibs are so slight at 1st I didnt even think it was then untill I popped out.

So in some cases that is what happens and in others you might not even notice them at all.. But from what I understand there is a very small percent that do not feel them if they fell them at all.

Also I will post something I posted somwhere else on this forum.

Originally posted by ThichHeaded
I will list some sites for you to check out, in no paticular order.

The Astral Projection and Astral Plane Research Project
This site is from ATS.

Robert (Bob) Peterson’s Web Site
This is a well known guy in the studies of Astral Projection, or oobe.

This place offers free online courses for you to take, I think in total its 46 weeks or something.

Astral Society
This place is good to lok at, also has a forum where you can ask questions on things also.
This is a really cool place to check out, alot of good reading on AP, RV, and so on.

Anyway that should get you started, also you might wanna check out this post made by TheRiverGodess, go tells us about her 1st AP experiance.

conscious Oobe....It's Real!!

There are some techneques in there that you might want to try out.

and some other misc ATS posts that have to do with AP, oobe.

Dangers of AP/OOBE?
OOBE proven scientifically!!!!
is SP related to AP

Also in Tamahu's post, you might want to check out the Karma area, thats alot to learn there.

And the ATS post that talks about Karma is here.
Karma...can you explain?

[edit on 7/21/2005 by ThichHeaded]

It's has alot of good resources in that post...
The thread is here.

ANd another one that is more recent than this post I made.. Its a podcast that talks about Astral Projection and ways of doing it.

[edit on 12/1/2005 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 03:43 AM
thanks ThichHeaded

Those links are helpful!!!


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