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Alright, which one of you guys wrote this, fess up

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posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 10:01 AM
Came across this in a 'reader opinion' to a newspaper today, apparently they are referencing some article about 911

London: re: The Nov. 17 editorial "SNAFU", about Tucker Carlson: You should start reporting the Truth about 7 World Trade Center, not what the pentagon and your undercover CIA co-workers say you should print. You are traitors to America. You have blood on your hands for the deaths of Americans on 9/11 and in Iraq. I will be writting to your advertisers and declaring a boycott of you and your key advertisers to my friends in the Internet community. I will be costing you thousands, if not millions, of dollars. Just be thankful it's boycotts I speak of an not thousands of angry, armed Americans charging into your building seeking vengeance on you and your staff for you disgraceful misshaping of America. You promote propaganda and lies and are cowards, just like the Nazis were. Start looking for alternative emplyment.

CIA secret operatives, an internet boycott, and a Nazi reference, thats a conspiracy whacko triple hat no? Combined with the actual idea that this sad, pathetic loser can actually accomplish something massive and has control over, not only his own life, but big world events and you have a very comedic character.

[edit on 20-11-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 11:07 AM
Man i sure feel sorry for this person because when the secret govt is out to get those who are a true threat to the government...well those are the people with no story to tell and nobody to tell it to. I would just keep my dang mouth shut and just hope god enacts his justice without you(not you reading this but the crazy person who might go and try to make such a big difference.

I would be kind of scared to say all those things anywhere in america, especially if i were writing for a newspaper that a lot of people read. I just dont get what these people are trying to do-the government doesnt care about 1 person revolutions and if it spread then martial law and rights are lost forever while we are jam packed into trains leading to "detention"/prison camps all over north america and the bird flu finally reaches america due to flu season and then were all cramped together in camps spreading the disease and... Did i mention dont bring a camera along the ride to your doom?
"Please stand in your designated blue or red line and wait to die"," umm ..sir, we do not allow photography due to the patriot act so please put it down and apply this white phosphorus powder mixed with hydrogen peroxide 50/50 to decontaminate you before we put you in the cyanide chamber"
Dont take pictures of the shackles in the railroad cars and show them on the internet because thats how people know-duh! And the air-tight gas chambers in those camps are umm....not for people....riiiiiiight and the inward-spiked fences keep you from not getting out?

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 11:00 PM
Probably Souljah...

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 11:07 PM
Hummm, I have a couple of ideas.........but I wouldn't want to point fingers.....

We'll just have to wait and see who mysteriously disappears!! LOL!

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 11:15 PM
Yeah, I was saying that I have an idea, but im not saying anything. All I can say is, "WOW". This is probably one of the WORSE things ever happen here. To the person who wrote that, if your time in justice should be served, so be it. How DARE you put an internet community on the spot like that.
Do you actually realize, how much trouble you are causing/going to cause.? I usually dont say anything about anybody on this board. But if you only knew what I wanted to say now.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Came across this in a 'reader opinion' to a newspaper today, apparently they are referencing some article about 911

London: re: The Nov. 17 editorial "SNAFU"....


i dont like the way my name was capitilized....please mr mod, it wasnt me, i swear!

[edit on 21-11-2005 by snafu7700]

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 04:14 AM
What does this have to do with ATS or am I just missing something?

Oh well, someone told the newspapers what the pretty much are? I don't get the point of this.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by Odium
What does this have to do with ATS or am I just missing something?

That's what I was wondering???

But I agree with what was said! You guys just take this too much as a personal attack. You are not your government, your government is not you.
When people finally learn to disasociate themselves from government is when they will finaly open their eyes to the truth.
Why allow the gov to be your sole voice and representitve of you as a people? That's what allows hitlers and such people to get so much power.
And before you say it I'm not comparing bush to hitler

Getting defensive when someone points out the truth just hurts you in the end. Ask the Jews.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 05:06 AM
I wouldn't be so quick to jump the gun and thing it was someone from this site. There are lots of "underground" communities not to mention other related conspiracy sites that aren't so popular. It could've been anyone quite frankly

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 06:33 AM
It was me!!!

Well not really, but just as Al-Qaeda would be glad to take the blame for any anti-american act, I would be glad to take the blaim for writing something like that.

It's soo very very true, and you people shouldn't ridicule this person. If only each and every member of ATS wrote something like that it may actually make a difference lol.

Anyway, is this from a London newspaper or something??

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Alright, which one of you guys wrote this, fess up

...thats a conspiracy whacko triple hat no? Combined with the actual idea that this sad, pathetic loser can actually accomplish something massive and has control over, not only his own life, but big world events and you have a very comedic character.

[edit on 20-11-2005 by Nygdan]

Okay, this reminds me of that scene in the Wizard of Oz right after Dorothy's house squishes the Wicked Witch of the whichever direction and Glenda (Billy Burke), the Good Witch of the North shows up. Paraphrased dialogue:

Glenda: "Are you a good witch or a bad witch?"

Dorothy: "I'm not a witch at all. Who the bubble-riding frap are you?"

Glenda: "I'm Glenda the Witch of the North."

Dorothy: "But I thought all witches were ugly." (Here's your first clue Glenda needs a knuckle sandwich, Dorothy)

Glenda: "No - only bad witches are ugly. I'm a good witch!"

At which point Dorothy should have drawn back and knocked the glitter off Glenda because if bad witches are the only ones ugly - why the heck was she asking Dorothy if she was a good witch or a bad witch? *


Which brings me to my point...

*Valhall bitch-slaps Nygdan*

inference taken whether intended or not.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 08:36 AM
Just to clear a few things up:

  • I have no idea if this was actually written by an ATS member

  • This clearly is on topic for the board, I can't imagine how anyone can think that a 9/11 conspiracy discussion isn't.....conspiracy

  • "oh no you di int' *moves head like a chicken*

    Here was my the process that lead to posting this. I sat down to my cereal of Coco Puffs (I'm cuckoo for cocoa puffs), opened the paper, read it, saw that in the 'Our readers write to us' section, thought "wow, conspiracy in the news, its catching on", cliped it out and posted it to ATS. Obviously the guy who wrote it is a whacko, thinking that this newspaper has CIA Agents posing as staff writters and that they get a direct News feed from the pentagon, or that his 'boycott' is going to mean anythign to anyone, let alone 'billions' of dollars. Not really trying to slam conspiracists in general.

  • posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 11:14 AM
    still, it kinda begs the question:

    which paper, so we all can read the full article, and did the guy actually sign his name to the edititorial?

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