Was King Hussein of Jordon poisoned?
It is possible I suppose.
One has to wonder.
King Hussein did in fact give asylum to two of Saddam Hussein al-Majid al-Tikriti's son's in law. I am sure that was something that didnt go over
well with Saddam and I doubt he passed the action to the wayside. The son's in-law were soon lured back and murdered. Allegedly by the wishes of
King Hussein did in fact die of complications resulting from affliction noted as directly similarly related to persons exposed to Agent Orange. Or
maybe Agent Blue, or Agent White. Any Dioxin deviant I suppose in lethal concentration.
Considering the fact that Saddam was so played by the US for the two dozen years prior to the most recent war, a method so covertly used to disrupt an
uncontrollable regime and gain control remotely by self disintegration, that one's self had put in place for purposes of one's own practicality.
(remember how Manuel Norriega came to be?
And considering how there has been little publication of documented evidence of actual WMD being forthcoming, in the mass and tonnage suggested
Consider this then if you will,...
An agent of chemical ware fare, supplied to the Iraqi regime by the US, as Iraq was commonly supplied by the US during the Iran war, was used, rather
discretely against the King of Jordon, in retribution for his efforts to harbor fugitives of the Iraqi political system.
Now in the face of public scrutiny post the Iraqi war, is it not within reason to consider that if a Dioxin agent was in fact in the inventory of WMD
discovered, that it would in fact have to be suppressed as known as discovered, as it's source would likely be that of the US or Britain, mearly by
chemical signature analysis to determine the manufactured origins?
There were not many manufacturer's of this agent. It could easily be determined as to the source.
What do you think?
No WMD en'-publick, as it would also finger the source?
... and, King Hussein of jordon, passed as result of being intentionally exposed to allied manufactured WMD, as result of revenge for providing asylum
to Iraqi 'family' defectors, who also provided much inside information to the 'inner spectrum' of Iraqi activities, to NATO?