posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 12:32 AM
Originally posted by MacDonagh
I may not like them, but then how would you go about getting rid of the Royal Family?
The way Cromwell did?
(Just kidding.)
Getting a bit more serious -- I have to wonder why either Charles or William would want the job, apart from the perks which they enjoy currently
anyway. If there's another position in the world that holds more power in theory while holding less in practice, I don't know what it would be.
The Queen can legally do all sorts of things she can't do practically, like dismiss Blair and appoint someone else PM, declare war on France, veto
acts of Parliament, dismiss Parliament and try to rule without it (except she can't levy taxes herself, so that might not work too well), and
generally make a thorough monarchical nuissance of herself. But if she did any of these things, she'd almost certainly be deposed, even if nowadays
it's unlikely she'd be decapitated.
England has the world's richest and deepest tradition of civil liberties. English rule of law and protection of freedom is the inspirational source
of such things in all former parts of the British Empire, including the U.S., delusions to the contrary notwithstanding. Yet England is also, if I'm
not mistaken, the world's second-oldest monarchy, and in terms of law the monarchy is not a mere figurehead, even if in practice it is. A