posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 10:05 AM
I wouldn't put too much faith in what the Sony and Microsoft Marketing machine are telling you. They have made such claims in the past and never
delivered so why should this time be any different?
Is the XBOX360 a poweful machine? Well yes it is, ive actually played it and with a good HDTV the graphics look on par with today's high end gaming
PC's. (The PC still looks a bit better in my opinion)
Will the PS3 become the machine that is sooo superior that it will completely crush the competition? Of course not and whoever says any different is
just caught up in Sony's bull# marketing.
At the end of the day it won't come down to which machine has the better graphics, but which console has the better games, and that's the most
important thing here to remember. The PS2 and the original XBOX were complete and total dissapointments to me. It seems to be that as the years pass,
game quality just keeps getting worse.
As for me Im going to wait and see what games come out before deciding to buy any of these next gen machines, which are basically small form factor
PC's when you think about it. But for now I'll stick with my High End Gaming PC which has provided way more entertainment than any console ever has.