posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 02:55 PM
People make up excuses and ignore the fact that the things spreading fast and it is going to continue.
One thing people believe is the media overblowing it-but local vietnam news stations are not in cohoots with the us media that i have heard of.
Another thing people convince themselves of is that it just might "not" spread and wont become a widespread and worldwide pandemic when in reality
it goes thousands of miles within months and is still in the process of mutating into a common human to human transmitted virus. If not one of these
it is that they might believe this tamiflu will save them, but it will save against the known strains of the flu and the flu will create new and
deadlier ones inside of you and around the "vaccine" and the vaccine has bad side effects anyways so it is just digging a hole.
Anyone have other reasons for ignoring it? "We all die anyways..." doesnt cut it for those other 5 billion people who might want to enjoy life.