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Elimination threat?

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posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 08:23 PM
This is a Quote from the 'Omega Agency' article on the ATS main page :

"The CIA/NSA/OA all monitor the internet closely. Especially IRC. The Net is described as the most dangerous tool in the world at this point in time because it is uncontrolled. Those who talk about these types of things or carry information about these things on their web sites are closely monitored. In "government talk", orders to "watch" someone translates into instructions to keep track of them by whatever means necessary, and
if they cross the line, if they stumble upon the truth of the matter and don't keep their mouth shut, "take them out". This can be done in any way that works without drawing too much suspicion. Such as brakes on the car failing, a random victim in a drive-by shooting, a random target in a store robbery where that person just happens to be shopping at the time, etc. The determination as to whether a person needs to be "taken out" is left up to the discretion of the one doing the watching. It is, in effect, an open license to kill to protect the Omega Agency from public exposure before it has deemed the time is right for it to take control of the planet. In some cases, it is determined that the person in question would pose more of a threat if they died. In such a case, the machinery of the OA goes into action to discredit that person. Character assassination, manipulation of others so as to turn people against the person, campaigns to brand them a disinformation agent, a liar, a mentally unstable person, etc., are put into motion. This has been found to be an effective method of dealing with someone who gets to the truth and doesn't keep silent. In fact, it has been found to not only discredit the target victim but to cast a shadow of doubt and suspicion on others who may have listened to the targeted person."

What I am now wondering is that if the net is so closely guarded, and this site is full of ppl who know info, and are spreading it around etc:

Are "they" watching ATS and eliminating ppl who say to much?

Are "they" asking questions on ATS to see what we know, and to see our view?

Are we being watched?

Do you think that the ppl in the US government are using intelligence surveillance on this site and tracking down certain ppl?

Has anyone had any experience/know of anyone?

(If you are wondering why this is not on the 'New World Forum', it is because I thought the same surveillance etc would be on the subject matter UFO's and ET's.)

I pose this question:

Is there some sort of threat with being associated with this site?

I'm presuming its not, but maybe they are picking their time...

[edit on 18/11/05 by fluffy]

[edit on 18/11/05 by fluffy]

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 08:42 PM
I suppose its a case of getting lost in the crowd, plus to the benifit of all of us, theres a good chance a lot of those in charge look on this site as a nutter site for the paranoid, troubled and imaginitive.

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 08:47 PM
Yes, "they" probably troll this site and many others.

Is it a "threat", I suppose that depends on what you post as "anyone" can read it.

Furthermore, all the toying with colors and fonts makes this annoying to try to read and, although I love the family guy, I fail to see the relevance of the pic.

More info, less toying.

[edit on 11/18/05 by redmage]

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 08:51 PM
"Getting taken Out" (killed)?
Ya make it sound like thats the worst thing that could happen


posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 10:32 PM
Anyone that posts on this site is mentally derranged. Why would the omega agency care about a bunch of mental patients?

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 11:58 PM
PKD : Good point. argasjfoafhhuid

magnito_student : Yep, assasinated, or as they say "dying under unusual circumstances."

redmage : Loosen up, man - can't ppl have a bit of fun on this site. I see revelance in the pick as it relates to me. And I'm sure others would enjoy it too, and the colours. Add some fun to seriousness.

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by fluffy
Are "they" watching ATS and eliminating ppl who say to much?

Are "they" asking questions on ATS to see what we know, and to see our view?

Yeh, they are definately watching us lol, I doubt they would be 'eliminating' anyone, that would definately alert us of their presence, perhaps push us to take some action against them, I don't know...

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 03:55 PM
That is a pretty stupid thing for a gvmnt to do. Think how many people don't even need to register with the site to see the information, how many read the artciles out of interest while passing through, and even if they did 'dispose' of the posters, the general net public will still see it.

On another note psssst...... maybe one of the mods is an MiB, or other covert military type person.

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 05:41 PM
Yep it's about that time to watch season 7 of the x-files heheheh

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 05:50 PM
This paranoia goes way up high..
There are many famous entertainers who will not shake hands or be touched by any of their fans...
Suppose they know something we are not aware of?

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 08:16 PM
I doubt that it means anything at all, but before posting here was a nothing website with moderate traffic, now my traffic has quintupled… and it’s traffic from all over the world. And my website has Nothing to do with nutty aliens or government cover-ups or anything fishy like that.

Also, since posting here my computer is getting hit with port scans… I never got hit with port scans before… Trojan horses, yes, port scans, no. My Norton firewall thingy blocks them out (at least it tells me it does but how would I know? *laughs*) so I don’t pay it much mind… the other day this IP tried to port scan me:

Since I was bored at the time I told Norton to do the visual trace route thing… it couldn’t resolve the location.

I tried some other trace route stuff, one told me it was coming out of Los Angeles, while another told me it was coming out of France

ARIN and RIPE told me the IP resolved to:


so it would seem that it Was the French… Why? I dunno, I’m a nobody.

Again, I doubt that any of that means anything, but I find it interesting.

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 08:41 PM
lol torbjon, watch your back, watch your wallet, watch yourself.

otherwise you could always hire a professional spy..... ahh, hed probably be working 4 "them" though, and he'd just kill u. ah well.

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 09:54 PM

not worried about "them"... they can have me (or whack me) *shrugs* doubt anyone would miss me, either, so who cares, right?

I'm an easy target.

I don't have a credit card (or wallet) -- if it don't scratch glass then I don't take it-- and there's nothing of any value in this computer.

About the only thing I Do have is a mountain of debt -- they are welcome to it.

I honestly believe that my web stats and weird computer stuff is just a coincidence... but it is an Interesting coincidence.

I've been poking around SDC for some years now and nobody ever paid me much attention... a few weeks after joining ATS and suddenly I'm getting folks from all over the world poking around my web site.

Sheesh, if I had known That I woulda been here a looooooong time ago *laughs*

If I'm ever going to land any good freelance jobs then I need alla the exposure I can get, ya know?


posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 11:26 PM
Its pretty obvious what they want from you! Your debt! I can't believe you didn't say this before. Now carefully, don't say anymore words on your debt or they'll come take it away and you'll be debt free. The more we talk about it, the more likely they'll take your DEBT and pay 4 it. We can't say another word.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 08:41 AM
They'll probably just listen to you and if they think you have the truth they will try to rip you off. They'll steal your words and change them ever so slightly. You'll see them show up in newspapers of being quoted on the radio by somebody. If you are full of good information and you see this happening all the time you'll learn a lot about what is really going on with our media and its marriage to the alphabet agencies as well as the local police, etc. Eavesdropping happens all the time. It's just a show you hear about in the media. We have no rights at all to privacy. It is only when somebody important has their privacy rights intruded upon do they then make a big show about it in the media to make it look like you have a right to privacy in the US. They'll eavesdrop on you like a burgler who comes into your house and steals from you and then they will have the nerve to tell you thank you as if you gave it to them freely. Psychopaths run the USA. If you can make friends with good aliens it is advisable. Nothing but evil down here. Take if from someone who has been monitored for a very long time. When it starts getting ugly they will go out of their way to let you know that you are being monitored and they will torment you. Kind of like Bush letting Blair know that he uses Colgate or Crest or whatever it was to brush his teeth. That is acceptable behavior to them. They'll find out all kinds of stuff about you from your past and talk about it where you can hear them but of course never saying your name. They'll know you can do nothing about it without looking paranoid. If it goes on for a very very long time others present on the planet may do an intervention. They are the only ones that really have the power to do anything about it. It goes clear to the top. This is what may eventually happen when they go to far in their dealings with other countries. Those who rule get taken out by unseen forces that also live on the planet. That is what they are threatening to do now if you read the Billy Meier stuff. They did it to all the major dominant countries that have gone before, including Atlantis, the Romans, etc. Its not a questionof if, but when they do it to the United States. It took a millenium to destroy Atlantis and another to destroy Mu and they are saying that in this new millenium they are going to take somebody else out. They are talking about an 888 year war. And in my opinion they need to win. The eavesdropping has got tot stop.
[edit on 21-11-2005 by grasshopper]

[edit on 21-11-2005 by grasshopper]

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 11:44 PM
Wow, a lot of info there grasshoper. Sounds like you've had experiences?

posted on Nov, 24 2005 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by torbjon
I doubt that it means anything at all, but before posting here was a nothing website with moderate traffic, now my traffic has quintupled… and it’s traffic from all over the world. And my website has Nothing to do with nutty aliens or government cover-ups or anything fishy like that.

Also, since posting here my computer is getting hit with port scans… I never got hit with port scans before… Trojan horses, yes, port scans, no. My Norton firewall thingy blocks them out (at least it tells me it does but how would I know? *laughs*) so I don’t pay it much mind… the other day this IP tried to port scan me:

Since I was bored at the time I told Norton to do the visual trace route thing… it couldn’t resolve the location.

I tried some other trace route stuff, one told me it was coming out of Los Angeles, while another told me it was coming out of France

ARIN and RIPE told me the IP resolved to:


so it would seem that it Was the French… Why? I dunno, I’m a nobody.

Again, I doubt that any of that means anything, but I find it interesting.

I've had that same experience only I didn't trace it back.
I use ZoneAlarm and it keeps a log of access attempts and theres quite a few with similar IPs and wierd techy mumbo jumbo (i'm not really good at the whole computer thing)

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