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Javier Solana - candidate for Antichrist or setting the stage for the Beast

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posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by infinite
we are currently in the 7 Year Tribulation

Not quite. In theory (since no one really knows) that won't be until next year when the next 7 year EU budget comes in to play. See my thoughts on this subject in this (very similar) thread.

[edit on 7-6-2006 by dbates]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 01:44 AM
I am with you all on this one. I have posted on the other 2 Solana threads prior to this. You asked for input.....go to the EU COMMISSION archives and look up past EU President Romano Prodi who was President in 1998 when all the laws were put in place and the High Repr position was made, the Euro form of money was created among many other things. Mr Prodi and Solana are cohorts big time together. In Fact, Prodi is ruling from our favorite city ROME as we speak, and still has his hand in the goings on at the EU with his old buddy Javier Solana. Prodi turns 66 during this year of 2006 and was elected Pres of Italy the next day after Easter Sunday 2006. See the other thread where I posted the link to the Jerusalem Library and the pics where Prodi is with all the Catholic prients and they have a religious ceremony with him as honorary speaker because he gave them EU money to renovate the library.
It appears to me that Prodi is the ruling party in all this from Rome and Solana is HIS right hand man.....and this came to me SEVERAL YEARS ago when Prodi was still at the helm of the EU Commission as it's President.
Perhaps the term "False Prophet" : Prophet- meaning someone who speaks of the future (Peace in one country, peace in another country, etc) and False- meaning untrue in the end. ????
I am FINALLY GLAD TO SEE SOME PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO ARE AWARE OF ALL THIS. I left other forums because nobody was listening.....although THE Word says "he will deceive even the very elect if it were so....." I search the News every day for their see what they have been up to next.

posted on Jul, 1 2006 @ 03:01 AM
I'm not quite sure this Solana is the AC. Just for the sole reason is that when Christ died, God condemned Satan to 2000 years of being locked up. The 2000 years ended in...obviously the year 2000. So now that we look at things, Satan would have to be in the form of a...correct 6 year old right now. That is if you believe the bible. I as a christian, do believe in the bible, and do believe that the AC is a 6 year old, somewhere in the Middle East, just because he is going to bring peace in the Middle East, something nobody has ever done before.

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 06:56 AM
what happens to the antichrist when his reign of terror is over does he die or what?

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 02:35 PM
anything new on this guy?

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 02:47 PM
I've been keeping tabs on him in this thread

If he gets more popular we might have to create an index for him to keep track of the active threads. I'd hate to loose any good information.

Originally posted by DawnGrace
I am with you all on this one. I have posted on the other 2 Solana threads prior to this. You asked for input.....go to the EU COMMISSION archives and look up past EU President Romano Prodi

I'll have to nose around and see what I can find. Thanks for the tip.

[edit on 1-8-2006 by dbates]

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 09:53 PM
Ok for the ones who don't want to believe the EU is a powerful enough platform for the ac consider this, revelation states John saw a second beast. Which in bible prophecy represents both a king and a kingdom. So this false prophet as we know him will have his own country possibly with his own army. So where does the bible say his country will be? Babylon! Which is where? Iraq! I beieve the false prophet will come from america or the UN. Its interesting when you think about the embassy we just finished building there. Its the largest in the world with a chunk of it designated for the UN. Has anybody heard of the alliance of civilizations? Look it up, its a group in the UN dedicated to whiping out the fundamental beliefs of all faiths. They state that if you speak out in a way that offends some one religously its equal to a hate crime. Does this mentality sound about right? The false prophet is the one who makes every one worship the beast hes also the one who mandates the mark. We need to start looking for the second beast just as closely as we look at this rebirth of rome.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 10:00 PM
Also if my theory is correct then of course we're not seeing anything in the media. True believers might see what is happening and make a lot more noise than what they currently are. I find it ironic that most of the church has been preaching to look for the signs yet when they start, the church doesn't want to admit what they are. Anyone heard of the North American Union? I know its a conspiracy theory, but would completely fit with the end times scenario.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 01:51 AM
The ac will be overtaken by the prince of peace upon His return. Revelation states he and the false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire. As far as 2000 years from the death of jesus, I have read that book front to back and don't recall anything of that nature but for arguements sake we'll say that your right. The antichrist could still be a full grown man today he isn't indwelt by evil until after he is already in power. People often forget that the first 3 and a half years hes on the scene are peaceful. It isn't until he desacrates the temple and declares himself god that things hit the fan. Furthermore too many assume he'll be possesed by satan when the bible does not say that. Its say satan will give him all his power and authority, but this could be done multiple ways. Including him being possesed by a lesser demon, this is what I believe will happen. My reason is later in revalation there are scriptures that refer to both ac and satan as seperate entities. There are refferences to Apollyon being released from the abyss, for those who don't know apollyon rules the abyss which is a place where demons are bound, when Jesus cast out demons a couple of them begged him not to send them to the abyss. After apollyon rises from the abyss there is no further mention of him, it also happens right before the ac declares war on god. I believe apollyon may be the demon ac is indwelt by, and through apollyon ac does satans will.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 01:51 AM
The ac will be overtaken by the prince of peace upon His return. Revelation states he and the false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire. As far as 2000 years from the death of jesus, I have read that book front to back and don't recall anything of that nature but for arguements sake we'll say that your right. The antichrist could still be a full grown man today he isn't indwelt by evil until after he is already in power. People often forget that the first 3 and a half years hes on the scene are peaceful. It isn't until he desacrates the temple and declares himself god that things hit the fan. Furthermore too many assume he'll be possesed by satan when the bible does not say that. Its say satan will give him all his power and authority, but this could be done multiple ways. Including him being possesed by a lesser demon, this is what I believe will happen. My reason is later in revalation there are scriptures that refer to both ac and satan as seperate entities. There are refferences to Apollyon being released from the abyss, for those who don't know apollyon rules the abyss which is a place where demons are bound, when Jesus cast out demons a couple of them begged him not to send them to the abyss. After apollyon rises from the abyss there is no further mention of him, it also happens right before the ac declares war on god. I believe apollyon may be the demon ac is indwelt by, and through apollyon ac does satans will.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 02:43 AM
Ok as promised here it is Javier or Chav-ee-yer is kaf vav yod resh
so Javier in hebrew =236
now lets look at solana or so-lan-na is sin/shin lamed nun nun
so solana in hebrew =430 so javier plus solana =666

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 02:59 AM
Naustradamus stated that this third "Anti-Christ" will be of Middle Eastern descent and rise to power quickly in Iraq. Where is Javier from?

Naustra also said that the US will trust him to unite the Middle East under their wing, but he will later turn on the New World.

Somewhere in the meantime Iran is supposed to on a rampage and be stopped by the US, only after it has done some major damage.

It's a bit confusing. I'm just going by the facts though. Fact is, Iran is building up. China is building up. The US is very much at odds with both, regardless of the public image of things which is always orchrastrated.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 12:07 PM
First I believe who nostradamus saw was the false prophet. and while he may rise to power in Iraq he may not be Iraqi. As far as the antichrist the bible says he will be mediterranian. Which could mean number of countries including spain which is were Solana is from. The bible states he will lead a resurrected roman empire. Which the EU is.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:44 AM
Ok guys I posted a huge post on the thread Javier Solanas incredible EU take over. Its way to extensive to replicate and has things in it that may put many disagreements to rest. I am beginning to find through research that there may be a reason some are looking at the pope and catholic church, while others are seeing the prophecies in Solana and the EU, while yet others are finding evidence in Benjamin Creme and his coming matreya. I believe they are all inter connected. If you check the thread and look at the videos I mention I believe you will find the same connection. I found all this after mcuh prayer for discernment and now feel a responsibility to share the info I have come across.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by jdl79
Ok as promised here it is Javier or Chav-ee-yer is kaf vav yod resh
so Javier in hebrew =236
now lets look at solana or so-lan-na is sin/shin lamed nun nun
so solana in hebrew =430 so javier plus solana =666

Fellow Christians, please take a look at this thread, started several years ago. I haven't spent a lot of time on predictions re: antichrist, but since Obama's inauguration especially, I am doing a double take. The whole world has it's arms around Obama. Just an example ---

HEADLINE: Arabs, Muslims give Obama benefit of doubt
'New spirit of dialogue' in contrast to Bush, says top Egyptian figure.

What do you think about this Javier Solana, and this seven-year EU treaty which admittedly I have not studied yet?

I don't consider Obama the antichrist, but I believe he is going to play a huge role in paving the way for antichrist to arrive on the scene.

Here is some info. about Benjamin Creme:


[edit on 22-1-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:44 PM

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:59 PM
Well, it is believed, that Pope Benedict, may be assasinated, Sorry I have no link I can supply for that one, but Illuminati will be involved.
and a new pope arise. Peter the Roman.

The peace treaties for Israel are supposed to give the Jordan to Palestine with the condition that Israel gets back their land, with borders, and allows for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.

But it is all a trick, to get all the Jews back to Israel, & start a war between the Muslims and the Jews. Then this Roman catholic pope will erect a Idol at the Holy temple.
Here's a bible code pertaining to him! (Berack Obama) /watch?v=-UOKTNFMgQ8

[edit on 8-7-2010 by lizzyhock]

[edit on 8-7-2010 by lizzyhock]

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