posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 09:31 PM
I don't know how you came to this conclusion. Probably belongs more in the Skunk Works forum, but I'll try to shine some light on it anyway.
Viruses are parasitic. They attack your cells, inject DNA into it and take over them in order to replicate (and thus survive). There is some debate as
to whether a virus is even a living organism or not. Some people say it is never alive, some say when it is in a cell, it meets the 10 Requirements of
Life so it is alive, etc etc. Confusing topic. Why does a virus attack? Dunno. I guess the same reason as everything else on Earth... survival. Just
they have evolved to do it in a very unique way.
By "germs", I will assume you mean any form of malevolent bacteria (as opposed to the good kind in yogurt, etc
) Bacteria are living,
single-celled organisms that tend to like the human body as a place to live an reproduce. They can either be aerobic (need oxygen to survive) or
anaerobic (do not need/cannot live in an oxygen environment). I don't see how you can say bacteria is a soul any more than an elephant is though. You
could debate that it HAS a soul, but not that it IS one.
I don't see how you can relate germs or viruses to the human soul though, just because you don't understand either very well. You started off asking
a question, and then saying something that immediately disproves it. Never a good start.
"Was wondering if dogs and cats are cheese? as in why would they taste like meat?"
Unless I read something wrong...
So in short, I do not feel you need to worry about getting possessed by the flu.