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"Global Warming"...people or the Sun?

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posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 02:34 PM
Ran across this document relating to a conference on Solar effects on the Earth. Unfortunately it is just an overview and doesn't get into great detail. It seems to bring up some interesting science relating to solar activity and climate trends.
I personally have never seen any solid evidence that human activity has any consequential effect on causing the "globe to warm". I get the impression that this has just become the result of pseudo-science fear mongering. This is an interesting read, albeit highly technical. Here is an excerpt. The original link is below:

< We
investigated the Sun climate relationship in two categories: existing correlation and periodic behavior.
As a result of our analyses, we obtained a considerable correlation (-0.63) by analysis of TUG monthly data
between solar radius and VIRGO solar irradiance measurements for the period from February 2001 to
September 2004. In addition, a comparison of solar radius and regional temperature values indicated that
there is an acceptable correlative and periodical agreement between two quantities...>

or the PDF:

posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 02:37 PM
In the future when the sun starts to expand on its way to death and make it to hot to live here on earth.

Besides that we are pretty much protected from the sun, the ozone layer IS growing back.

posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 04:02 PM
Well global warming probably has everything to do with what is happening to the sun since all inner solar system planets and moons are showing signs of heating up. Whatever we are doing to the planet must have some effect but imo it is not the real cause of observed global warming.


posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 07:03 PM
It's not an either or argument, and framing it as such is well lazy at best and dishonest at worst. The main argument is HOW much the Sun contributes to clean up statistical models.

There is no one "real" cause for the current warming trend just infleunces and yes we do have an influence as does every single life form on this planet. In fact it was an organism that made our planet O2 rich in the first place so it's not silly to think we could be altering our planet drastically as it has happened in the past.

[edit on 17-11-2005 by sardion2000]

posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 10:21 PM
Global Warming doesn't really matter. Even if our earth is heating up like the scientists are claiming, we are moving ahead technologically at an astounding rate. Some say surface temp is to heat up 1 or 2 degrees by 2100. So what? We'll have new ways of consuming energy. Our minds cannot even fathom what technology will be available to us in a hundred years. Do you think someone living in the year 1905 would even dream of nuclear bombs or spaceships or computers, all of which were right around the corner, historically? No way. Plus, fossil fuels are a limited resource and cannot be burned forever. They will run out, and the big bad oil companies will be forced to shut it down. Don't worry folks, global warming may seem bad now, but it isn't that terrible.

posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
In the future when the sun starts to expand on its way to death and make it to hot to live here on earth.

Chances are when it expands it will infact grow so big to engulf the entire earth turning the earth into a burnt cinder that will spiral down to the core of the sun.

Very bad but we have billions of years before that.

As for global warming the earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling all the time long before human number one was on earth. If we do nothing to the enviroment the earth will get colder or hotter as it always has.

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 01:11 AM
I guess my take is there is a certain amount of human hubris when it comes to human influence on the global environment. At every point in history humans have always thought they "mattered" more than they do. Sure, laws of thermodynamics apply i.e. if I pour a shot of boiling water into a cold ocean, the temperature of the ocean rises (by a virtually unmeasurable amount)but that doesn't mean the influence is consequential.

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by Apoc
I guess my take is there is a certain amount of human hubris when it comes to human influence on the global environment. At every point in history humans have always thought they "mattered" more than they do.

I have to agree with this and I see it many times we are a very egocentric species. Its the same with things like Extinction. Some people make it seem like human are the direct cause of extinction and we are for some animals. But some people make it seem like its all on humans and our evil ways, and if we change our ways extinction wont happen. But in reality some 99% of all species that have ever lived on earth are now extinct. The vast majority died off before humans were even around.

The vast, vast majority of life has its short run on the earth and then goes extinct if humans are here or not.

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by sardion2000
It's not an either or argument, and framing it as such is well lazy at best and dishonest at worst. The main argument is HOW much the Sun contributes to clean up statistical models.

The implications for human life is great enough to warrent a either or question. The main argument should be wether we have AT ALL contributed to Global warming.

There is no one "real" cause for the current warming trend just infleunces and yes we do have an influence as does every single life form on this planet.

Why is there no one "real" cause for the current warming trend? Who decided that everything contributes enough that we need to have national policy changes that curtails people's movement and freedom of action? You seem awefully sure so tell me wether anything we could do ( short of nuclear war) can affect this planet anywhere near as much as the sun heating up as we know it's been doing for some decades now.

In fact it was an organism that made our planet O2 rich in the first place so it's not silly to think we could be altering our planet drastically as it has happened in the past.

That is a theory wich we might obviously now have to re-investigate? It am not saying it is silly to think that we may be able to alter this planet but to equate whatever effect we had in the last 30 years with that the sun clearly had, on the inner solar system, may be.


[edit on 19-11-2005 by StellarX]

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