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The Plunge Protection Team...

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posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 03:56 PM
You always buy gold and silver when you have some extra..not to sell or invest in per se..but to put away doesnt go bad. Very long shelf life on gold and silver.
I would also recommend buying bullets and putting them away...
"while you still can" ...when a crunch comes they will be like money. Good as cash.
Lots of dummies out here with guns but few bullets..amazing to me.


posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 04:18 PM
Have anybody seen the movie lord of war I believe is the name.

It brought me some inside of how countries like ours benefits from the trafficking of illegal arms to third world countries.

But that was not new to me I read a book a way back that had to do with the same issue, wars are a necessity and profiting from them is a most need for the economy of other countries that are not at war.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 10:51 AM
marg6043, I saw Lord of War and thought it was pretty good. I agree it's eye opening to see how people can and do profit from war. the best scene in the movie showing it is when Nicholas Cage's character watchs a guy shooting an AK and he hears a cash register sound everytime he fires it

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by warpboost
the best scene in the movie showing it is when Nicholas Cage's character watchs a guy shooting an AK and he hears a cash register sound everytime he fires it

I love the ending of the movie it tells you how far and willing government will go to keep the conflicts fire up and well stock.

Is like everything in life some are the losers and some are the winners, and money is the ruling factor.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 12:18 PM
The creation of new M or money supply as stated in my earlier post on this thread has a very adverse effect on a economy in spite of the appearence of early gains. This is true particularly if this moneys is obtained by Government deficit.
Now when we as individuals go out an borrow moneys we sign a contract stipulating specific performances and collateral. We offset this loan/loans over a period or time with out labors. We dont get something for nothing.

Government loans by deficit ...operate quite differently. The Government can get loans of incredible amounts such as the 80 billion originally slated to go to Iraq after the early bouts of the war. Government loans are done on the backs of the public as the Government tends to produce no real goods or services in a economy...that is unless you think more Government is a good or service.

TAke for example this 80 Billion dollars in the first batch going to Iraq...this money finds its way into our econony where it is spent on goods and services which are shipped to Iraq for rebuilding and support structures in the great plan to stabilize the nation. These goods and services are removed from our economy and replaced by this new influx of money. Over a period of time you now have more money in circulation and less goods available as they have been removed by the process. What this does is weaken the purchasing power of the there are now more of them in circulation than before the 80 billion dollar loan to the government deficit.
This time difference in when the loans are made and when its effects begin to show up in a economy enough for many people to forget the cause. It can be 6 to 9 months later depending on the size of the deficit/loan taken out...also how often this buisness is repeated. I believe since the first 80 billion dollar loan..there have been others.
These loans or deficit spendings allow the Government to literally steal out of the economy of this country without it being directly known by the public. If the Government taxed directly for the moneys they would have been overthrown in a revolution years ago. Deficits allow the government to steal at the public expense without it being directly seen since government unlike us ..does not work for the moneys by producing goods and services.
The effect of this as these moneys filter down over a lengthy period of time is higher prices in certain arenas...due to more moneys chasing fewer goods. It is also reflected in a weaker dollar. Meaning eventually the dollar will buy less goods and services. WE see this as rising prices.
These rising prices are already being reflected in local and state governments in the forms of higher taxes and costs for these government expenditures. Higher real estate/personal property taxes.

This increased money supply chasing real goods and services is stopped in two main ways.

Intrest rates are raised...meaning fewer loans are taken out because of the rising intrest rates facing a higher pay out for moneys.

The second way is increased taxes.

The big joke about both ways of decreasing the M or money figures in the economy is that neither method directly limits the Government ability to get moneys. They can still operate on a deficit and get more loans on the backs of he public without being directly detected.
The limits in these two methods of curbing a rise in M..are all put on the private sector....never the Government where it belongs. This is never explained to the public in terms most of us can understand.

The method of raising intrest rates works the quickest. Tax increases are not far behind. These two methods mean that the limits on consumption are put on the public since they no longer have the capital in circulation as was before. The problem is so many often go out of employment in companys facing payouts in intrest rates of 15% to 21 percent which is what happened back just before Jimmy Carter left office. Intrest rates went double stop the inflation before it turned the corner and became run away as it did in the late 1970s or early 1980s...or Germany between WW1 and WW2.
Raising intrest rates is how the fractional reserve system ..puts the brakes on a runnaway economy..along with tax increases. It is just that tax increases are so unpopular and Governments tend to be very loath to do this method. Hence they would rather steal from us by deficit spending.

WE are going to need some brakes applied soon...its going to be a shock to many of us. They are keeping these cards close to the vest. I am not sure how they are keeping prices down to this point in some areas..but it cannot hold out long against a dollar with rapidly declining value.

By the way..the collateral the Government has for these their taxing power and certain government influences when needed by the loan makers. All done behind the scenes where it is little noticed by most people..especially those educated in public schools. Little of the operations of these mechanisms is taught in these educational institutions as compared the real effects it has on the public.


posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 12:52 PM
Another thread discussing this subject can be found here:

Also, an interesting speech by Rep. Ron Paul, entitled "The End of Dollar Hegemony"
helps those who, like me, don't know much about the history of the dollar:

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 01:33 PM
Very intresting post by Ron Paul. I am familiar with Ron Paul as he and one other represenative were heavy into restoration of the bi metalic standard of US Coinage and redeemable paper moneys.
This method of stabilizing the value of US Moneys and hence the American Economy itself is heavily frowned on by the money powers in existance. They will work despirately to stop this no extent ..even war.

The other Represenative heavy into gold and silver US money standard was a man named Larry Mc Donald. Larry Mcdonald was killed on the shoot down of the Korean Airlines flight 007. This information can be looked up on the web. Think what you want of this incident.
Ron Paul is well aware of what the money poweres are doing who have their hooks so deeply into the American Government as well as other world wide governments.

As I recall Ron Paul is today a senator ..from Texas I think?? Nevertheless he is one of the few in congress who know what is happening and will speak up about it. HE has known this from his freshman days in congress.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 04:14 PM
I urge you to obtain a book or video of (The Money Masters) do a web search.

Also is see posters talking about economics and trading, all markets are manipulated by any one who is able. Trading is very very simple but not easy, certainly more simple than trading on news.
(economics to is simple )

economics as we know it, is 100 per cent fraud.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 08:10 PM
Hank Paulson, the new US Treasury Secretary who hails from Goldman Sachs (a known member of the PPT) is rumoured to be the White House's front man for the PPT.

Paulson's other Job as Wall St. Plunge Protector

Back during a stock market crisis in 1989, a guy named Robert Heller - who had just left the Federal Reserve Board - suggested that the government rig the stock market in times of dire emergency.

Over the next few years people like me ... suspected that Heller's plan was indeed in effect. Whenever the stock market was in trouble someone seemed to ride to the rescue.

Often it was a Wall Street firm that seemed more courageous than fiscally responsible. Often it appeared to be Goldman Sachs, which just happens to be where Paulson and former Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin worked.

Did the U.S. Treasury actually have an allocation of money to carry out what Heller had suggested - that is, throwing fresh investment cash in front of a falling market until it stopped declining? For a while I thought something called the Currency Stabilization Fund - which actually exists at the U.S. Treasury but is meant for currency stability - was the slush fund used for this venture. I was told by people who claimed to know that this part of the theory wasn't so.

That's the way the standoff stayed until 1997 when - at the height of the Last of the Great Bubbles - someone in government decided it wanted the world to know that there was someone actually paying attention in case Wall Street could not handle its own problems.

The Working Group on Financial Markets - affectionately known as the Plunge Protection Team - suddenly came out of the closet.

Today - with the stock market acting skittish again - the future Treasury Secretary should get ready to go to bat for PPTeam as soon as possible.

Paulson gave up a multimillion dollar salary (actuall about three dozen million a year) to take a public service job, but it's one with a heck of a lot of power.

And why do you suppose that the White House just gave Intelligence Czar Negroponte the authority to waive Securities and Exchange Commission rules?

Could some big player like J.P. Morgan or Goldman Sachs be in derivatives trouble?

Under The Radar or Behind Black Curtains?

Monday, June 12, 2006

The potential implications of this are nothing short of “astounding.” It raises questions like; exactly what constitutes national security? Would the deteriorating financial position of a public financial concern [like J.P. Morgan or Goldman Sachs?] engaged in the trade of crude oil, natural gas, 48 Trillion Dollar Derivatives books or precious metals be considered “in the national interest?”


posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 05:45 AM
A point that many people seem to have missed during last week's market slide is written about here:

70-Minutes In The Dark

However, and although a potentially innocent event, the interesting thing about Tuesday’s computer malfunction is that it persisted without being recognized for 70-minutes! The question to ask, naturally enough, is what on earth was going on during this 70-minute interval?

70-Minutes In The Dark

What is most puzzling about this incident is not that a tech-guy at Dow Jones Indexes may have went out to catch a movie in the middle of a trading-day, but that the media and regulatory bodies have failed to try and aggressively investigate whether anyone profited excessively during the 70-minute period.

I'm sure the PPT had nothing to do with it.


posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 12:20 PM
i like the way the evidence for the PPT was put together and with the latest insight into keeping the economy healthy enough for the time being

what are the limits to there abilities. With the ppt are we immune to a depression. and if so why is this not a good thing. and when if ever woud it benefit the PPT to allow a big slide?

gools excuse me if these questions are immature regarding the subject, i am merely brainstorming

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 11:40 AM
Hi, this thread comes the closest to trying to explain the question I asked on this thread.

Which to sum up, is "How does this affect me, the common man, in the short term and long term?"

I personally don't even understand 'credit' and the reports, and interest rates and all that. I am willing to learn, need to learn, but don't know where to look.

Thanks for another awesome thread Gools


posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 07:36 AM
Here is a piece from May 07 and the reporter's failed attempt to obtain FOIA documents on the meetings of this PPT.


...One of the "lessons learned and the way ahead," according to this presentation, is to "process and respond to Mr. Crudele's requests ASAP."

It's now more than a month since that meeting and I still haven't received documents or even an official letter. I guess ASAP might mean something other than "as soon as possible" in government lingo - perhaps "as soon as pigsfly."

For those of you who haven't been following this saga, let me fill you in...

Why is this thread in skunk works?

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 03:25 PM
I know this thread is a little old but I did not see any real purpose in starting another I found this today a really interesting read from the washington post


It is 2 o'clock on a hypothetical Monday afternoon, and the Dow Jones industrial average has plummeted 664 points, on top of a 847-point slide the previous week. The chairman of the New York Stock Exchange has called the White House chief of staff and asked permission to close the world's most important stock market. By law, only the president can authorize a shutdown of U.S. financial markets. In the Oval Office, the president confers with the members of his Working Group on Financial Markets -- the secretary of the treasury and the chairmen of the Federal Reserve Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Very informative read on a somewhat confusing topic.

[edit on 26-8-2008 by 911fnord]

Mod edit: added the correct EX tags

[edit on 8/26/2008 by Gools]

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