I was only wondering about this yesterday. I came across the same Cayce quotes and thought what could "forces in nature as make for iron to swim"
be. Magnetism came to mind anyway, there was also mention of the Coral Castle - where a device with magnets on 2 large wheels. Was the the flywheel
the device used to counter the weight of objects?
It was called an AC generator >>
Bruce Cathie worked out the coordinates of the position Coral Castle using his geometric-based mathematics. This is the guy who drew up a 'grid'
around the planet that also coincidentally apparently matches a formal flightpath of UFO's - thought by most of us to be Anti-gravity machines (or
quick helicopters with invisible blades). This is shown in a video here >> here>> here>>>
and a bit of info here>>
Quote from >>>
[Ex]“Measurements from the Coral Castle position to the zero-degree and 90-degree longitude lines, when they passed through the equator, also
yielded harmonics related to light and gravity. The final check of the distance between Coral Castle and grid pole A in the north, dispelled any doubt
about the site being in an ideal position to allow Leedskalnin to erect the huge blocks of coral with relative ease. Measurements from all major
points gave the geometric harmonics necessary for the manipulation of anti-gravity.” Cathie also believes that this energy grid is also responsible
for many UFO sightings.[/Ex]
Could this grid apply to many locations, including pyramids in Egypt?
Then the Cayce dates- the internet in 56'. He could well have meant that.
Magnetism hasn't been understood by many.
In a natural sense. We immediately think of horseshow magnets and how they are 'permanently' applied - there is a constant flow direction of the
lines of force we are taught.
Then if we think of electromagnetism- we use electric wrapped around something and induce a magnetic field. this however, alternates. the North South
flips around-back and forth for however many times a second (hz) .This with the alternating current supplies we get to homes and factories. DC
electromagnets do exist and are used for example when magnets are used to test steel welds for cracks. As far as I'm aware they induce a constant
flow of magnetic force.
But is that what is happening? Is a magnet perhaps a material that speeds up the flow.
We all have this flow going through us, every material does.
So this resonance now makes some sense. by mimicking our magnetic field or something like, we can make this flow of magnetic force perhaps, seem like
zero and therefore gravity doesn't apply.
Am I close?
could the AC electromagnets Hz rate be altered to do affect the field of something? I don't know.
[edit on 25-1-2009 by matsplat]
[edit on 25-1-2009 by matsplat]