posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 02:37 PM
you know the nutrition fat is generally being accepted as in the list of wrongs of eating habbits. what did I just say..., I mean it is generally
blamed for unhealthy eating, like " if you eat fat you will get fat", yet there is a common misundersanding here.
you need all the fats in a healthy diet equally, saturated mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats. They are important and used in production of
the hormones, if you go all light in your diet, you will not take enough fats, and your body will not be able to produce the hormones effectively for
instance testosterone.
but everyone should know some of the fact about fats, fats when heated change their chemical structure, and become corrosive and dangerous for the
body. therefore if you are to have a healthy eating habit you should completely drop the foods that contains heated fats(homemade or not), or
hydrogenated fats, or semi-hydrogenated fats (if you check any product you buy from the supermarket you will see that ninety percent contains
hydrogenated fat in them)
I really miss french fries, but I prefer cigarettes,