posted on Sep, 21 2003 @ 03:13 PM
Here's a story that you may find interesting. Sorry I can't corroborate it with anything, it was related to me by a friend (no not the kind that
makes BS up and is some sort of pathological liar (you know the kind)).
His uncle (I think that's who he said) worked for a secret service or special law enforcement group, although I can't remember if it was a branch of
a US group or Canadian. Anyway, he said that his uncle told him an undetailed story of an American agent who was considered a risk to the cohesion of
a particular department after many years of service. He was basically taken up in a helicopter and pushed out to his death (hey, I didn't promise it
would be a long story).
I know it seems difficult to use as concrete evidence, and yet I will swear to whoever that reads this that the guy telling me the story was not BSing
me, and he said that he regrets not ever asking his uncle for more stories of the type and taking a bigger interest in his career (his uncle died not
long ago). His work in this field apparently over time turned him into a distant, cynical sort of individual, and hard to relate to.