posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 11:09 PM
Yeah, but they don't stop mocking you until you say "Grow up and read, idoit!" and 'hey, guess what I read books too!', I think they laugh and
joke then, that's until you get them quiet when you can list like 30 of them off of your head, and can tell them about laws and stuff off the top of
your brain, otherwise I've had to be 'normal' to some extant.
But what can BSB or the fanbase do, when I plan to be one heck of a musturd weed for them and the world. I also cite my sources so they have to shut
up no matter what. I spent too many years, dollars, and insults, and I'm not gonna take it from my favoritve groups fanbase either. It's not easy to
learn about the legal system, w/o law school, and it certainly doesn't make legal cataloging termanology easy either.
So ATS, can we please get on topic about how UNESCO and the NWO work together?
In case your wondering, I own like 300 books, which I bought over 3 years, on my own money, so I fight back when insulted by
"dough-heads"(brainwashed folks).