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French Media Covers Up Anti-Jewish Slurs Among Rioters

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posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:45 AM
According to some astute French viewers, the cable channel Canal+ subtitled "Sarkozy, sale juif" ("Sarkozy, You dirty Jew!") with "Sarkozy, fasciste!" ("Sarkozy, fascist!"):

«a subtitle strategically placed says "Sarkozy, fasciste!", but according to many French forums listeners (including me), the "youths" actually shout "Sarkozy, sale juif", this is clearly audible, Sarko effectively being part-jewish.

Did the bobo channel Canal+, and especially the TV show involved which is obsessively left-leaning, voluntarily misled the viewers?

¡No Pasaràn!

The French media has totally shown their true colors during the recent riots. Many outlets simply stopped covering them, and here we have a clear manipulation of the facts to suit their own leftist agenda.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 01:10 AM
Of course they supressed it.
They don't want people to know that racism exists amongst muslims.

They want the world to think that racism only exists among white people.

Thank God we have the Internet or we wouldn't have even known that it was muslims rioting. Even with the video and reports that came out, some people are still denying they were muslim riots.

Hopefully the Internet will eventually force the media to tell the truth about what's going on.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
Of course they supressed it.
They don't want people to know that racism exists amongst muslims.

They want the world to think that racism only exists among white people.

Who is "they" exactly? These shadowly lefties manipulating the media, perhaps someone like Rupert Murdoch? You also appear to be confusing skin colour (as in white) with religion (muslim). Perhaps that's conveniant for you......

Thank God we have the Internet or we wouldn't have even known that it was muslims rioting.

Or just watch the BBC or ITV reports that make it quite clear which groups are doing the rioting. Or read a decent newspaper....

Even with the video and reports that came out, some people are still denying they were muslim riots.

I don't think anyone denies that the majority of the youths setting fire to stuff are muslims. What is extremely debatable is whether their religion has anything to do with it. Many people, myself included, think it is to do with a deep-seated racism that is inherent in French society. A racism that puts people with the wrong skin colour into ghettos and makes it almost impossible for them to get decent (if any) jobs. This is a country where 6 million people voted for the repugnant, ultra-right, Le Pen - a result that would be unimaginable here in the UK.

Hopefully the Internet will eventually force the media to tell the truth about what's going on.

Yes, your fearless campaigning will surely crack them in the end.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke
Many people, myself included, think it is to do with a deep-seated racism that is inherent in French society. A racism that puts people with the wrong skin colour into ghettos and makes it almost impossible for them to get decent (if any) jobs. This is a country where 6 million people voted for the repugnant, ultra-right, Le Pen - a result that would be unimaginable here in the UK

That's what they said about the British when they rioted back in 2001 in Oldham, Burnley and Bradford.

They also used that excuse during the Antwerp riots in Belgium in 2002 and 2003.

Maybe the problem isn't with the French, the British, the Belgians, the Danes, the Swedish, etc...
Perhaps the problem lies with the muslims, or North Africans and Pakistanis if you think it's not a problem with religion.

Surely guys like thess aren't making things any better though:
UK - England's Extremists

Holland - Jihad Soldier

They preach hatred for the countries that have taken them in and that could encourage people to riot.

[edit on 11-11-2005 by AceOfBase]

posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 07:34 AM
some of you crack me up...

You people know that racism only exists here in America and only among white Americans. Shame on you. What could you possibly be thinking???

American and white is always associated with dare you try to take our guilt away from us??? We deserve it!!!!! Only US!!!!!!!

No one else in the world deserves it as they get to play through ...especially if they dont have jobs..or live in the wrong part of town. They are of course entitled to play through and destroy the property of others. By having others pre programmed to let them play through they get advanced billing and matter how much dischord they caused. As a matter of fact they get to cause dischord ...unlimited. These people should never be made to feel bad or wrong about what they have done.!!!! Never!!!! No matter how many they have killed or destroyed!!

You folks in the UK....get a clue...this is coming there to your lands..soon enough. What happened in the Subways and on the bus lines is only the begining. Of course it has nothing to do with understand..and this will be highly emphasized in the press and by politicians. You can be quite satisfied that you are free of this problem while Englishmen die. satisfied..with the placebo..that only white people can be racists.
LOL LOL ..some of you people crack me up. Yes ..we are confused.....we are misreading what is happening.LOL LOL.
Stick to the mantras folks will do well with it while the real problem plays through unhindered.


posted on Nov, 13 2005 @ 01:33 PM
Oh heavens to mercatroy now The SH*t is going to hit the fan.

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