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Whose got subliminal ads?

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posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 07:04 PM
Alright well, with the cigarette taxes on top of cigarette taxes, the govn't is really doing a excellent job to keep us from smoking right? Not to metion all the ads that come on tv that show us ALL THE PEOPLE THAT SMOKE. Which one makes more sense to you, showing all the people that do smoke or not showing ads for smoking at all? Which way is better to actually kill the idea? How much of the commercial do you actually watch? With all of these taxes in place someone is obiviously making a lot of money off of all the smokers. Is it possible that our govn't is placing subliminal ads into the "anti-smoking commercials" to get people to start smoking? All they are doing is showing us how many people smoke.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 07:13 PM
I definitely think they are a subtle way to encourage smoking, no doubt.
I just wanna light up when I see someone smoking on TV

I think when U see someone smoking instinct makes U want to light up if U are a smoker, and while I can't speak for the non smokers, I don't see how it is discouraging at all. It's contagious, kinda like yawning.

[edit on 10-11-2005 by ImJaded]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 07:39 PM
Have any of you seen the Comcast commercial where there a 2 hippie guys saying 'Until the aliens come, we are happy with movies on demand and dsl? ' This is a great one..
btw, I love to see old movies with the cigarette holders and I am a smoker.I think the smoking-Nazis are getting backlash and kids WANT to do it is forbidden

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 09:26 PM
I'm a non-smoker and I really couldn't care less about cigarettes. I'm not a smoking-nazis. What I mean is if there's somebody smoking in the same room I am, I will leave the person alone, I generally adapt to my environment as opposite to trying to shape the world around me to my mindset. I just think that smokers are weak people. They say it's hard to stop smoking, that they are addicted, oh cry me a river! I wouldn't trust my most valuable [fill-in-the-blank] in the hands of smokers because they are easily influenceable and with enough pressure they would just give it away to the worst people not supposed to have it.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by ufia
I'm a non-smoker and I really couldn't care less about cigarettes. I'm not a smoking-nazis. What I mean is if there's somebody smoking in the same room I am, I will leave the person alone, I generally adapt to my environment as opposite to trying to shape the world around me to my mindset. I just think that smokers are weak people. They say it's hard to stop smoking, that they are addicted, oh cry me a river! I wouldn't trust my most valuable [fill-in-the-blank] in the hands of smokers because they are easily influenceable and with enough pressure they would just give it away to the worst people not supposed to have it.

Here's the famous one line entry that I am sure I will get busted for by a moderator... However, as you feel free to post junk, I will follow suit....

That's about the most irrational line of reasoning I've ever heard. You must be hanging onto the old groin armor a little too tightly.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:45 PM
What junk? C'mon, explain!

Oh, it doesn't conform to YOUR opinion? That's what I though. Pffft!

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:47 PM
[[[Here's the famous one line entry that I am sure I will get busted for by a moderator... However, as you feel free to post junk, I will follow suit....

That's about the most irrational line of reasoning I've ever heard. You must be hanging onto the old groin armor a little too tightly.

GOOD one, wonder if it practices safe sex or just keeps it away from smoke..?
Guess that depends on how much terrority it is talking about...

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by siriuslyone

[[[Here's the famous one line entry that I am sure I will get busted for by a moderator... However, as you feel free to post junk, I will follow suit....

That's about the most irrational line of reasoning I've ever heard. You must be hanging onto the old groin armor a little too tightly.

GOOD one, wonder if it practices safe sex or just keeps it away from smoke..?
Guess that depends on how much terrority it is talking about...

Sort of like that old joke ...

Question: Do you smoke after sex????
Answer: I don't know! I never looked!

Put a sock in it ufla! Nobody really gets off on sanctimony, and self righteousness around here... Not even about smoking.

I smoke... Have done for years. Since you don't pay my bills, purchase my food, lodging, or gas, I have an incredibly lame time trying to really care what you think one way or the other.

Oh... How is it you say that? Oh, yeah! Pffft!

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:19 PM
ufia, I wish there were more people of the mindset you have in the first part of your post, and not just in regards to smoking either. As for the rest of it, my own multiple experiences with trying (and failing miserably) to quit smoking has given me a perspective on the "weakness" of smokers.

It isn't so much that we are weak per se, but moreso that we aren't completely honest with ourselves. Anyone can quit smoking, and it's fairly easy to do, but you just have to completely want it. Unfortunately, more often than not a smoker tries to quit because of outside pressure--family, friends, doctors, whatever--and regardless of what the end goal is, most of the time it doesn't seem to be as beneficial as smoking (for better or worse).

They keep telling themselves they really want to quit, it just doesn't sink in deep enough and they start back up. They don't want it; their husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend wants it for them. Their doctor says they need to. That stuff won't work, the smoker needs to want to quit. The "weakness" lies in the inability to admit to themselves that they just don't want to quit at that point in time, and when you're just wanting to please others, and when society is telling you that what you're doing is bad and wrong, it's hard to admit to yourself that you'd rather go against those rather strong ideals.

That's my take on it at least, and I'm sure I've mentioned that at least one other time here on the boards--the smoking/anti-smoking threads get to me pretty good

As far as the original topic goes, I never even thought about that; it's definitely an interesting premise. I noticed that I could do perfectly well watching a movie for 3 hours without a smoke, but the minute someone on screen lights up I start to get shaky. Definitely makes sense, and would be a great way to boost a little tax revenue. Good post

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by ufia
I generally adapt to my environment...

I was a smoker for 10 years (age 14-24, 1 pack+/day at age 15+) (loved cigarettes) and I quit cold turkey one morning. It was WAY easier than I thought it would be, but I think the key was that I really wanted to quit. I didn't want to cheat myself, as it were. My girlfriend at the time and my whole family still smoked, but I couldn't be bothered.

EDIT: Ah, McCory, we're speaking the same language.

Originally posted by ufia
I just think that smokers are weak people. They say it's hard to stop smoking, that they are addicted, oh cry me a river!

Well, it's a physical addiction, so letting go can be difficult. People who are addicted to things such as niccotine begin to convince themselves of things and sell themselves ideas - for instance, most smokers tell themselves that they like smoking and they don't want to quit, even when they do want to quit. You know, the old "I can quit whenever I want," just rephrased.

I'll reiterate that quitting smoking is far easier than most smokers believe. I thought it would be hell, but it was actually no big deal. The hardest part is committing to quit - there is a lot of real, explainable, and understandable fear associated with quitting smoking, but in retrospect, this fear is stupid and useless.

Originally posted by ufia
I wouldn't trust my most valuable [fill-in-the-blank] in the hands of smokers because they are easily influenceable and with enough pressure they would just give it away to the worst people not supposed to have it.

I totally disagree with this statement. You describe smokers as conformists, but most new or young smokers generally consider their habit a form of rebellion. In any case, such victimless self-indulgent vices are generally not a very good indicator of a person's integrity. Far better men than you or I have smoked cigarettes.



When I was a smoker, seeing people smoke would make me want to light up. Now, seeing people smoke (on television and in real life) makes me think about how gross smoking is. I especially dislike seeing people hold in smoke for a little while and then blow it out as they speak (which I used to do all the time)... It's really disgusting to see that.

[edit on 11/10/2005 by Zipdot]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:29 PM
Good one!!
I never looked..ROFL
I quit once for 18 months and I have told this before but it needs telling again.
I swelled up over 75 pounds, not from earing, an allergic reaction to no tobacco.I broke out in hives all over my body..
I looked like the Goodyear blimp.

I could NOT live that way, so i started back and got all back to normal in 2 weeks.
Any smoker who wishes to learn of the meta-physical reasons for smokers, buy the book Star Signs by Linda Goodman..You will see it in a new Light.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:54 PM
Hey Bud...

I don't mind that I like to smoke and that folk like ufla look down on me as whatever.

I quit once for quite a while, until I decided I just enjoy smoking. Voommm!

Back at it.

If I am deemed untrustworthy, disloyal, disobedient, non-thrifty, irreverent, and not very brave, then so be it.

I just have an issue with the self righteous way some folks attack the smoking vs non-smoking gig... If I want to quit again, I will ... If not I won't...
If people like loofa want to hold it against me and be so judgmental and sanctimonious, then so be it... They're missing out on a happening old guy.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 08:51 AM
I've had a long chance to think about this thread, as I work 12 hour shifts during the night. I probably should have done that before I posted originally.

I see the post by ufia as a signifigant symptom of things that appear to be going badly in our country. I tag what I see with the title of "Intolerance". Today, so it seems, we are becoming more and more inclined to be less and less tolerant of those with whom we disagree ... No matter the subject.

This country was founded on a theory of tolerance, at least a theory of it. And to some extent through out it's history there has been a more general acceptance than not.

Now, it seems, that it is easier to call this intolerance, political correctness. It becomes easier to couch our differences and similarities in terms of political correctness. Using the smoker for example. For years, and years smokers weren't a problem. Then it became politically correct to have us not smoke in offices... Then it became politically correct to not smoke in many public places.

Now... There was recently a company that decided it would not only not ever hire anyone who smoked, but mandated an 18 month period wherein all of it's smoking employees had to stop. If they did not or were unable to stop, they were summarily fired. And this held up in a court contested decision.

Now it becomes politically correct to assume a superior attitude, much like ufias, wherein the smoker is an untrustworthy person, who is incapable of, according to what I understand of effluvia's writing, the most basic of trustworthy causes and actions. His aire of intolerance and pseudo-superiority (remember pffft?) is tending to become more the rule than the exception.

That does not bode well for coffee drinkers (how can one trust someone who has to have coffee just to function minimally in the early morning?), tea drinkers (much the same reason), moderate to heavily overweight people (how can you trust someone who can not control his/her intake to the point of obesity--No will power I'd say! How can you trust them?), People who wear red shirts or drive red cars (Communism is a red thing ain't it?), People who have to read books (How can you trust someone who can't have an original thought that isn't validated by Maslow, Erickson, Jung, etc.? They must be unoriginal, dull witted and therefore, untrustworthy).

These types of people that do not fit my paradigm must be untrustworthy, because I am trustworthy and I don't drink coffe, tea, over-eat, or read ...

That's a joke, but a sad one that appears to be on there verge of becoming the reality that we have to, as a culture or civilization, deal with.

When intolerance like ufia shoved out on the forum becomes the norm, then freedoms, like those we enjoy in our country, are quickly eroded in the name of political correctness.

I hope this makes a little more sense than what I posted before, even though I still wish to make it clear that ufia has all the appearances, based on his posts, of an intolerant, yet more than slightly, pompous, self-righteous prig. I can now, however, explain why I think so. And so, I apologize to all for the concept of simply swinging wildly at him. I can do so now with a clearer vision and insight.

Thank you. And now we return to normal broadcasting schedules.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:25 PM
Your post does make more sense now, sigung86, totally clear and valid point. You probably take this way too personally, though. Did I smack you in the head? No! You are the one who choosed to inhale your hard earned money all over your lungs. If one day I decided to suicide, I would jump in front of a moving truck, it's quicker than smoking cigarettes.

BTW I have nothing against overweight people, the problem is they will not be able to keep up when comes time to run away from outer space invaders with their lethal laser beams.

Anyway back on topic. I don't have much to add other than the government jacking taxes on cigarettes would not prevent smoking, it would probably cause more black market sellers and worsen the quality of unregulated tobaco from some guy's garage.

posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 10:48 AM
on the topic of subliminal messaging....i saw this one commercial for life said "john has a wife and two kids...he can get a policy fo such and such amount"..."john's wife kerry can get insured up to so and so".....this commercial first aired during last years campaign.........again notice the names really important but thought it was good for a laugh...btw...i voted nader...not kerry or bush

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