posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 08:51 AM
I've had a long chance to think about this thread, as I work 12 hour shifts during the night. I probably should have done that before I posted
I see the post by ufia as a signifigant symptom of things that appear to be going badly in our country. I tag what I see with the title of
"Intolerance". Today, so it seems, we are becoming more and more inclined to be less and less tolerant of those with whom we disagree ... No matter
the subject.
This country was founded on a theory of tolerance, at least a theory of it. And to some extent through out it's history there has been a more
general acceptance than not.
Now, it seems, that it is easier to call this intolerance, political correctness. It becomes easier to couch our differences and similarities in
terms of political correctness. Using the smoker for example. For years, and years smokers weren't a problem. Then it became politically correct
to have us not smoke in offices... Then it became politically correct to not smoke in many public places.
Now... There was recently a company that decided it would not only not ever hire anyone who smoked, but mandated an 18 month period wherein all of
it's smoking employees had to stop. If they did not or were unable to stop, they were summarily fired. And this held up in a court contested
Now it becomes politically correct to assume a superior attitude, much like ufias, wherein the smoker is an untrustworthy person, who is incapable of,
according to what I understand of effluvia's writing, the most basic of trustworthy causes and actions. His aire of intolerance and
pseudo-superiority (remember pffft?) is tending to become more the rule than the exception.
That does not bode well for coffee drinkers (how can one trust someone who has to have coffee just to function minimally in the early morning?), tea
drinkers (much the same reason), moderate to heavily overweight people (how can you trust someone who can not control his/her intake to the point of
obesity--No will power I'd say! How can you trust them?), People who wear red shirts or drive red cars (Communism is a red thing ain't it?),
People who have to read books (How can you trust someone who can't have an original thought that isn't validated by Maslow, Erickson, Jung, etc.?
They must be unoriginal, dull witted and therefore, untrustworthy).
These types of people that do not fit my paradigm must be untrustworthy, because I am trustworthy and I don't drink coffe, tea, over-eat, or read
That's a joke, but a sad one that appears to be on there verge of becoming the reality that we have to, as a culture or civilization, deal with.
When intolerance like ufia shoved out on the forum becomes the norm, then freedoms, like those we enjoy in our country, are quickly eroded in the name
of political correctness.
I hope this makes a little more sense than what I posted before, even though I still wish to make it clear that ufia has all the appearances, based on
his posts, of an intolerant, yet more than slightly, pompous, self-righteous prig. I can now, however, explain why I think so. And so, I apologize
to all for the concept of simply swinging wildly at him. I can do so now with a clearer vision and insight.
Thank you. And now we return to normal broadcasting schedules.