posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 02:32 PM
Today is my birthday, so I was allowed to sleep in. I didn't get to because I was woken up around 1030 am EST, with the most annoying sound of
someone just laying on their horn. It was a steady honk, and no inflections or intonations, whatsoever. I woke up and said wow, I think someone died
in their car, maybe we should call the cops.
With that, I heard the sound stop, and all sorts of sirens going off, ie firetrucks, ambulances, and cops. How do you find out exactly what happened
other than the news?
This sort of thing happens kind of commonplace around here, last summer, my brother inlaws sister was outside with her kids when they saw a car jump
over the concrete median, blocking entrance to the grass field for the power lines, when they went over to check if anyone was hurt, a guy had had his
head pretty much blown off, and the poor girl in the passengers side, couldnt speak. It turns out that it was a drug deal gone wrong.
Where the f do I live, and thank god I'm moving... Gotta love Philadelphia
Oh maybe I'll post about how SWAT had our block on lockdown in August because for 3 days some nutcase decided to shoot anyone who walked down our
street (he was ticked his ex wife sold the house) noone was injured, but we were not even allowed near our windows, and couldn't drive our cars FOR 3
DAYS! It is sooo scary when you have to keep your child away from windows, because the cops tell you your house is in direct line of fire.