posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 11:02 PM
First of all I want to point out that I don't believe in lizard people but I still like to keep an open mind. Now, let me point out some problems
with responses.
"eye witness accounts, do not count as proof nor do records in history of 'Lizard People".
Eye witnesses hold up in court and we know a lot about history from studying records.
"It makes a mockery of physics, geography, geology and large chunk of the world".
How so?. Have you ever heard of the unified field theory. If a unified field theory is discovered we may have to scrap the current physics books and
start from scratch. The only people who really know anything are those who understand that we really know nothing.
"the 4th dimension...
they came from time"
Time is not the fourth dimension. Einstein said that time along with speed and distance have the characteristics of a dimension but others believe
that there's a fourth physical dimension.
Some also believe that if the dinosaurs hadn't become extinct, the raptor would be smart then the human race.
There are all sorts of proof of strange things on this planet that main stream science ignores. Ask the brilliant Nikolai Tesla about that. A genius
that should never have been ignored.
Like I said, I'm not saying that I believe in lizard people, I just think we shouldn't have a narrow minded view of the world we live in. The
supernatural is just a natural occurrence that we don't understand yet. Anything is possible, even if it's improbable.
Forget about the Lizard people, they just distract you from the real cold blood monsters that rule this planet. Humans.