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Report says Canadians are carrying scores of toxic chemicals in their bodies.

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posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:09 PM
Environmental Defence has released a new report based on testing done on Canadians from coast to coast. One woman in Winnipeg was found to be carrying 39 chemicals in her body that are suspected of causing everything from cancer to learning disabilities.
The average Canadian has more than hockey in his blood; there are also flame retardants, stain removers, heavy metals, PCBs and volatile organic compounds, says an environmental group.

Blood and urine tests of 11 volunteers from Saltspring Island, B.C., to St. John's, NL, found scores of toxic chemicals suspected of causing everything from cancer to learning disabilities, says a report by Toronto-based Environmental Defence.

On average, each of the volunteers showed blood contamination by more than 40 compounds, as well as urine contamination by a number of pesticides.

Environmental Defence says it's the first nationwide study of blood and urine contamination in Canada, although similar results have been obtained in the United States and Britain.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The test was only on 11 people but they came from all over the vast country of Canada, from B.C. to Newfoundland. I hope this brings about a larger test involving hundreds if not thousands of Canadian. As Canadians we usually think we live in a very clean and rich environment. But the reality is that we are building up pesticides and heavy metals in our bodies due to our environment.

Related links

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:28 PM
Why stop the testing in Canada? Do you really think we aren't all in this boat?

I believe the article stated that similar results were found in the US, and another country, but in all honesty - it's the whole world.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:42 PM
Its not really a surprise to me. I would like to see a bigger amount of subjects in the test though. Still interesting.

1500 dollars for a test subject sucks though...

I could be wrong, but teflon products are a leading cause of this. Im almost certain we all contain some of the garbage from those things.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:52 PM
Teflon??? Oh Poo! It's already become apparent I can't eat anything and now I have nothing to cook in anyway.

Seriously Dulcimer, can you elaborate a bit more about that? I thought it was better now and didn't disintegrate into your food the way it did when it first came out. What is the deal with teflon?

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 09:00 PM
Relentless, I wrote my post the way I did because this is a Canadian article about a Canadian test on Canadians. But you are absolutely right, we are all in the same boat and this is all over the world. Not just in Cities either, this problem faces rural areas also.

Dulcimer, Teflon has to be a leading cause in this (depending on where you live).

Relentless, check out this thread on DuPont and Teflon.
Super Slippery Lies.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 09:19 PM
Now we are a danger to the environment. No wonder we're buried 6 feet deep!

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 09:22 PM
i saw this on the news last night. the average of the 11 ppl was 44 different toxins.actually i have the tape too. im usiing it in a research pollution project in school.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 11:03 PM
The thread Umbrax suggested basically explains it.

Doing a google search on teflon safety or teflon dangers should explain all.

This is mentioned in one of the thread links:

Contaminants included polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), persistent chemicals used as fire retardants that are suspected hormone disruptors , and perfluorinated chemicals (PFOs) used in stain repellents, non-stick cookware and food packaging.

We all eat, and we all eat similar products. We are bound to have similar problems.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 12:16 AM
Great find umbrax. ...Interesting how Canada doesn't do many of these studeis, and publishes so very few results.

Anyway, I knew this but I still need to go throw up now.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 12:25 PM
Here is something relative and interesting.

This is a page of summaries of environmental causes of infertility/miscarriage from major medical journals and magazines.

Pesticides suspected of causing infertility
Infertility caused by pesticide found in the air of most homes built before March 1988
Approximately 75% of U.S. homes are being being found to contain the pesticide chlordane in the breathable air.
Car exhaust decreases fertility.
The common car exhaust compound benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) causes a significant reduction in fertility in test animals and fertility was further lowered when animals were exposed to both BaP and lead simultaneously. Results showed approximately a 33% reduction in ovarian weight and a "marked reduction in ovarian follicles."
Coffee decreases fertility
MSG greatly reduces pregnancy success
Male infertility and chemicals in drinking water
Drinking water from the Thames Water Supply in the United Kingdom was pinpointed as the cause of lower sperm counts and increases in abnormally shaped sperm. Common detergents were the chemical suspected as causing the reproductive damage.
Miscarriage increases from chemical solvents:
The major risk chemicals were:

perchlorethylene (dry cleaning)..... 4.7 times greater risk

trichloroethylene (dry cleaning)..... 3.1 times greater risk

paint thinners ............................... 2.1 times greater risk

paint strippers ............................... 2.1 times greater risk

glycol ethers (found in paints)........ 2.9 times greater risk

These are just some of the effects on the body caused by the chemicals that get into our bodies.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:51 PM
It looks like this report may of inspired some kind of action.

Vancouver's Labour Environmental Alliance Society wants to make it so schools have to tell students and parents what chemicals are used for cleaning and upkeep.
Fearing that schools have been infiltrated by toxic chemicals, an environmental group is recommending a new bill of rights for students.

Vancouver's Labour Environmental Alliance Society wants schools to be required to tell students and parents what chemicals are used for cleaning and upkeep.

The group says children are particularly vulnerable to toxic chemicals -- including some linked to cancer, asthma, attention-deficit disorder and even autism -- but often parents and teachers know nothing of the threat the materials pose.

So, LEAS is trying to get officials to sign a bill of rights that would ensure parents are informed of the types of chemicals used, should they request the information. "The public response has been very good," said LEAS researcher Sean Griffin. So far, his group has the support of five area trustees, and the Vancouver board is endorsing the proposal in principle, he says.
One East Vancouver mother recently enlisted a principal to help her find out what kind of paint was being used. She was stunned to find out that the paint, which was being applied during class hours, generated airborne solvents linked to everything from headaches to cancer.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I'd like to get letters from my kid's school letting me know what chemicals are being used. The thing is most parent are not educated in what to do with this information.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 01:21 PM
Canada has America to thank for the overly abundant quantities of elemental Mercury vapour in her Airways. Thanks to the extremely large production of coal fired power plants along America's Armpit boarder, American SOx/NOx and Hg0 make up 40% content of Ontario's pollution.

It's the Oxidized mercury, aka ionic water soluble compounds of mercury that end up in humans containing extremely toxic growth rates.

I believe we inhale pico grams, yet the H2O in our bodies convert then multiply mercury at 10x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 rate.

Approximately, I can theorize...

posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 10:16 PM
Regarding the use of personal care I have found some links to lower the intake of harmful chemicals.

20 Ways to Reduce Your Intake of Chemicals in Body Care Products

Harmful Ingredients to Avoid In Personal Care Products

Unfortunately we are still exposed to harmful chemicals from our own environments. Such as mercury that syntaxer has brought up.

[edit on 12/11/2005 by Umbrax]


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