Well I accept on the following conditions...
1, the ducks must come in the package, you can keep the bear. Although they are cute
2, you must always take me fishing with you and not leave me behind when you go with "the boys"
3, you must eat my cooking and say you like it..
4, You must like camping and travelling (always with rods alongside)
5, you must like animals and be prepared to check road kills for babies
6, you must like noisy rambunctious kids or wear a good set of earplugs
7, I don't do winter so you must come to tropical wonderland or you must have a really really warm house
8, you must buy me a dishwasher cos I hate doing dishes
9, you must hire someone to fold clothes for me as Im allergic to dust and it makes me all puffy and red
10, you must be cuddly and affectionate
11, you must like reading and music
12, you must be prepared for a left of centre wife thats interests vary far and wide.
13, you must be prepared for me to walk around nekkid all the time.
14, You must give good back rubs.. and be prepared for the consequences.
15, You must like debating topics and have interesting conversations
16, you must like my crop circle
17, you mustn't lust after my stunning daughter
18, you must love sunsets and sunrises
19, you must be open minded about possibilities
20, you must like me for me and the me in me
* Hey where are you going .. get back here.. stop running so fast.. c....o.....m......e.............................
sheesh I always scare them off............
Nah seriously .. heres some pics of my area
[edit on 21-11-2005 by Mayet]