posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 02:49 AM
Hello there, Mr "I live in NZ". Would it harm you to provide me of your current city you live in at present? I am from Christchurch, and my inner
chi and extra-sensory powers all tell me you are also in that current location. Please advise me of my assumption. I would be greatly appreciative of
a response. Are you a religious man perchance. My extra-sensory skills also point out to me that you are baffled with the intertwinement of "the
truth" and "the spirituality." Are you looking for those answers. I cannot provide, as I have no religious aspect. But you, my friend, can find
those answers. I am going to go on my knees and beg for forgiveness, in case I have annoyed you in any way. Please forgive. I am predestined to play a
game of basketball with you some time next week. It is in our destiny. It cannot change. You should not change would is predestined for you, or you
will end up like the Lemurians who have crumbled to peices. Some say they are still out there. WHat is your opinion on this Shane. I sense that in
your previous heriditory, your ancestors on your fathers side's profession was Taylor. DOes this in somewhat intertconnect with your name? If so,
please seek out this answer in a reply. Interconnection is a great thing. Because in a place with interconnectment, there lies no time or space.
Quantum Vacuum, my friend, Quantum Vacuu. I shall hereby declare for you to "be like water, my friend." "If water goes into a teapot, it becomes
the teapot. If it goes into a cup, it can crash, or it can glide. Be like water, my friend, adapt." This was from my friend, whose name is Bruce Lee.
yes, you may say I wasn't alive then. But do you believe in reincarnation? Do you? And do you believe in really long posts? Do you? In conclusion, we
do not know enough about Mayans. Shane, please release the compartment within your ear and open the Sphinx. There, you will find great knowledge. And
with great knowledge, comes everything. Maybe. Indefintetely. Amen Brother. Although, I said Amen, does not relate to any religious thing. It is a
word in its own right. A word. Nothing else. It fits in well, with my in-depth conclusion. So anyway, in conclusion, eat a dog, then grab a carrot and
say, "yum, a potatoe." Trust me, it works. Do not change your destiny. Aspire to your goals. Yes, Shane T, sorry if it offends you, but I know you
want to be a person. So now, go out there, and be one. Don't change your destinie and become a dog. Your must aspire to your dream. You be that
person! I will delightfully sit here all day and night long until you reply Shane. I hope I have made a positive connection with you. I'm very sorry
for writing too little, I'm even a bit scared you don't know me well enough. But the fact is, I have to end on a good note. B sharp.