posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 04:51 PM
When I see articles like this, I become somewhat depressed as much as I become sickened.
This isn't simply a case of PC gone too far I think. This is a product of PC in general as well as pandering to the squeakiest wheel to the point the
powers in charge have been trained to jump at the slightest yelp with an almost pavlovian style. Its not even a thought anymore, its a reaction. It
seems the only way to get anything done anymore is to form your own minority group and make a lot of noise and the powers that be will fall over like
a house of cards in a stiff wind.
What I want to know is what even happened to the concepts of tolerance and understanding? Look at the television and newspapers, you can't even seem
to find traces of words like christmas. it has to be something neutral and hopefully nonoffensive. happy holidays, seasons greetings, etc. can someone
really tell me where we got this backwards?
I love the fact i'm not PC. If you were born here, you're an american, plain and simple. no hyphens or anything. you're not african-american,
latino-american, etc.. you're just one more american slob like the rest of us. i'm sorry to tell you you're not overly unique. At times, I think
that is how we got here, we've spent so much effort pumping people up, telling them they're unique and they should embrace this culture and that
belief and so on but we seemed to stop teaching people that there is a whole world out there of different people and they all don't want to be like
Short answer to the would be whiners who think seeing a christmas tree will make their kids burst into flame.. lighten up and get over it. you'll
just have to deal with it like the rest of us are. Are you so weak in our cultural grasp, in your ideals in your very faith that the mere sight of
another religions symbols could make that much of a difference in you, your family or children? or is it all these have nots are too full of hate to
allow anything else the tolerance they demand of others towards them.
But thats been the general rule for a long time, hasn't it?
I don't speak of any 'minority' in particular, or even in general. the groups we keep having to suffer are those small radicalized pockets that
just seem to want to make noise and not melt into the big melting pots we claim our societies to be. Those pockets of professional loudmouths are
unfortunately one other thing that seem to be common across all races, cultures and reigions.
** EDIT: some horrible spelling mistakes
[edit on 8-11-2005 by CoffinFeeder]