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How consciousness propagates through time

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posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 03:09 PM
In the book ´Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants in Human Behavior,´ PhD David Hawkins reveals some fascinating properties of human consciousness. In it, he created and calibrated an enormously useful map of human consciousness, one which should rightfully be called, ´The Hawkins Scale of Consciousness.´
He also set up a system of calibrating levels of human consciousness. Assigning the numbers one to infinity as the possible range of consciousness, he soon found that he had to use the logarithm of numbers, rather than just plain numbers. This is because the power of consciousness at higher levels is vast compared to its power at lower levels. His tests were made with kinesiology, the subjects´ conscious minds are bypassed in order to receive clear answers directly from their subconscious minds. The tests are mechanically very simple. Subjects hold out an arm horizontally to the side while people designated as testers tell the subjects to resist their efforts to push one arm down with each question. If the arm remains strong and stays horizontal, then the answer from the subconscious mind of the subject is affirmative. If the arm yields downwards due to weakness then the answer is negative.

Interesting, the conclusion that consciousness is logarithmic and not a linear progression makes sense for me. So consciousness grows faster than a linear progression. The more consciousness you have, the more tendency you have to reach higher levels. It´s some kind of attraction that only gets stronger. The logarithmic 2D graphic, as we know it on the cartesian plane, also starts to become a straight line after the first boom, if we stretch x-axis to a great amount. Why´s that? This is how infinity operates: it doesn´t grow forever (in a certain way), it grows asymptotically. But the idea of measuring consciousness, and the idea of consciousness "growth" is illusory because consciousness has already boomed and it´s already One to its full extents. It only has working parts for viewers with less than an infinite awareness of the whole. We have lots of empirical proofs for that in the so-called holistic belief system. Theoretical physics is beginning to say, that everything in the universe is connected.

But we can measure duality over time. Duality represents the levels of perceptions, in a system, that don´t have enough awareness to perceive different aspects as One. Actually, duality over time has just one rule: it tends to unify itself. Singularity is what we get after sufficient evolution time. On the physical world, as a proof, we have the gravitational effects to reinforce this notion. All of this yields the following thoughts:
A 3D spiral mapped to the cartesian plane (2D) would look like this:

Image is not mine. Property of Charles Douglas Wehner. Copyright, 2005.

The spiral is the graphic of duality-consciousness over time. It's stretched and forms an oscillating wave pattern. As we know, consciousness can be anything because it's the imminence of being. The graphic could represent "energy" too. Once balance is found, more and more, the spiral stops oscillating around the x-axis and merges with it. But scientists found out that once the oscillating wave pattern seems to slow down with its peak-valley alternation then it starts rising again. Every living system operates like this. The reason for that is because duality-consciousness (tendency of being) also oscillates. Duality-consciousness is vibration. Looking at the spiral from a top perspective, and visualizing the evolution of the 2D graphic over time, you´ll see that first we have an imploding vortex, going to the center, and then an exploding vortex.
For unity-consciousness we doesn't need to measure anything. But with duality-consciousness, it´s reasonable that it changes over time, because it vibrates. It has different states that can only be differentiated through time. The peaks and valleys of the waves give birth to two mirrowed aspects (positive and negative energy). Energy yields everything that is physical. And everything that is physical pretty much defines our 3D newtonian world.

Also, what is duality-consciousness when compared to unity-consciousness?

Duality = Tendency of being = Imagination of consciousness
Unity = Being = Infinite consciousness

So the journey of duality consciousness to become unity consciousness requires that it contracts and expands over time (universe). We have agitation on the alternation of energy (expansion) and steadying on the alternation of energy (contraction). During the process of contraction and expansion, we get alternate peaks/valleys of energy. So duality-consciousness, the consciousness alter ego that wants to go home, actually gives birth to energy alternation during its journey. This is how an expanding-contracting 3D universe gives birth to the 2D measurement we can experience with "time". Because time seems linear for us (2D), and it's nothing more than our perception subdued to alternations of energy.

Perceiving duality is a good thing. Feedback is the concept of feeding a system with energy. If you feed a system with negative energy (you have to know the entry parameters), the negative energy will counterbalance the positive energy, forming huge oscillations. Karmic balancing will rush to get things right and to counterbalance the huge oscillations with lower ones (remeber that duality-consciousness is vibration). Karma is exactly this self-imposed balance of the universe. Once we have lower oscillations, the former system does not exist anymore. It reached his maximum level of entropy (huge oscillations) and then desintegrated back to the environment. We only had "a system" separated from the environment because it could keep its oscillating patterns stable. If we feedback negative energy we force it to oscillate more and more, until it explodes. From outside, we have imploded the system. Not a bad thing though, because the debris get absorbed by other systems.

[edit on 7-11-2005 by gus]

[edit on 7-11-2005 by gus]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 03:39 PM
Nice post, Gus. Thanks.

A quick question: How would you map unity consciousness? Also, how would you separate/distinguish the subject from the system?

ed bad word

[edit on 7-11-2005 by soficrow]


posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 03:59 PM
Thank you for reading.

I don't know. It's probably impossible for humans to map anything that is above their current consciousness level. We can only imagine what is inside the mind of God (infinite consciousness). But once you get there you'll see the whole picture-mapping.

It is impossible for you, who are a part of the universe, to achieve the viewpoint of an observer standing outside that universe that includes you. You can only see one end of the stick; for the other end is you.

The PhD guy mapped it from 1 to infinity, and this makes sense because there is never a null-value consciousness and infinity is a concept that we still don't know how to define properly.

Observer and observed object are the same thing. The observer (1) and observed object also form a system once they are observed by a second observer (2) that comes by. You can't separate them. Only if you are the observer, than you know you are separated. but it is delusional. You're clearly not separated for another observer that is looking at you and the object you are watching, at the same time.

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