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How would you handle the truth ?

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posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by siriuslyone
No sir or ma' are not the only one.. One is not paranoid unless totally mad or sumpin is up.

Just for clarity, I'm a guy. The manliest of manly men, in fact.
. Now I'll bow out and continue lurking. Not that I have the faintest idea what's going on...

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by yeahright

Originally posted by siriuslyone
No sir or ma' are not the only one.. One is not paranoid unless totally mad or sumpin is up.

Just for clarity, I'm a guy. The manliest of manly men, in fact.
. Now I'll bow out and continue lurking. Not that I have the faintest idea what's going on...

ROFL, I know that ain't you face..manly man, built like the terminator, huh?
Well, if one does not visit here, they miss it all..stay around..

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by siriuslyone
I know that ain't you face..manly man

You are correct. Current avatar is Shemp Howard, the Stooge nobody likes. Don't read anything in to that. I just thought it was a funny picture.

built like the terminator, huh?

You said that; I didn't. Actually, I avoid using a true likeness for fear someone would be blinded by my purity and perfection.
Just more unhandleable truth.
Probably cosmic compensation to make up for the fact that I'm perpetually denied knowing what the hell is going on.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 10:14 PM
[[[[[You said that; I didn't. Actually, I avoid using a true likeness for fear someone would be blinded by my purity and perfection. Just more unhandleable truth.
Probably cosmic compensation to make up for the fact that I'm perpetually denied knowing what the hell is going on.]]]]

Yeppers. and I do NOT belive you are so innocent..I dare not post my image, for fear of being recognized by the incorrect persons..

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 05:11 AM
If the truth endangers another or would stop me from fullfilling my promises; then it will remain secure. Knowing the truth isn't the real burden. The real burden is the consequences of that truth when spoken or kept silent.

But there is another variable. If you tell the truth who would believe you? Will it actually help the people it's meant to benefit? Or will it just be obscured, discarded, forgotten, ridiculed, and end up helping no one?

Higher spiritual truth? I tell that to anyone that will listen. The earth-bound BS we talk about on ATS; there's little point to disclosure. However, 99.9% of what's on ATS is on the internet. So you can still get the good feeling of disclosure without the spontaneous combustion, as long as you read it somewhere first.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 06:07 AM
Just fine and hoping I live to see the truth come out. As another poster said, I have spent 11 years of my life studing everything from Conspiracy to Crop Circles and ET's. Never thought it was a waste of time. I believe that those of us who have studied and reviewed things not for what we think they are but look at the whole picture.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon
If the truth endangers another or would stop me from fullfilling my promises; then it will remain secure. Knowing the truth isn't the real burden. The real burden is the consequences of that truth when spoken or kept silent.

But there is another variable. If you tell the truth who would believe you? Will it actually help the people it's meant to benefit? Or will it just be obscured, discarded, forgotten, ridiculed, and end up helping no one?

Higher spiritual truth? I tell that to anyone that will listen. The earth-bound BS we talk about on ATS; there's little point to disclosure. However, 99.9% of what's on ATS is on the internet. So you can still get the good feeling of disclosure without the spontaneous combustion, as long as you read it somewhere first.

What did we do before the net, knowing what we did then, now?
I am ashamed to say, I used to hold Friday night meetings to teach all my wisdom, having no idea that I was changing nothing..
But, I soon got over my messianic complex and tried to start works, and I am still in that vein now..
I am just a grain of sand on a massive beach that is see as black with a blue sun? somewhere..

[edit on 6-11-2005 by siriuslyone]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by AkashicWanderer

Originally posted by siriuslyone
This is true, but not always does one keep the silence, if another human is in harm's way at all.


What I'm saying if someone is freely giving out information to the masses, they know not the truth. The truth can only be received by those who search, and those who search know the importance of searching.

No----- "The law is for all"

*add smileys to make post two lines

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 08:01 AM
Let me start my post by explaining what I personally think THE TRUTH is:

The truth is infinite: you can never find it in it's wholeness:
You always find one puzzlepiece at a time. The pieces are worn out(incomplete) and lies have been added to them. Finding the picture, means analysing piece for piece and putting them together. You'll never find an edge of the picture and everytime you put one answer in the picture you'll get (at least) 3 new questions!

Samuel 2006

You cannot go out and tell everybody the truth, because many people don't want to know the truth:
Remember the Matrix? Blue or red pill? The one guy who said: "I know this steak doesn't exist, but it tastes and smells right, I want to just sit here and enjoy it, without knowing the rest of the story...
Peace of mind vs. knowing the truth.
You know those people who sit in the pub and whose greatest problem is when their world collapses? - Well, that's what we are dreading too, isn't it? - Well there is a slight difference, their world comes to an end when their football team loses, we start worrying, when we start seeing evidence for the NWO...
Those guys sitting there discussing whose going out with who, whose cheating who and arguing what teamcolours are the best choose the red pill: What right do we have forcing the blue pill down their throats?
What right do we have forcing the truth about 9/11, NWO, etc. etc. onto them?

(It took me a long time to realize this and to realize something else too: we aren't better people then they are! They are even better off than we are, they can sleep most nights. So if you are tempted in believeing these people are just stupid: They are NOT, they have just chosen to have peace of mind ... and that's their decision!)

So, what if I knew the truth behind the conspiracies: I have thought about that question many times: IMO, the best thing to do, would be to give enough information, so that they recognize you were right when it happens, (gives you credibility after the event: could be used to save their lives) but not information for them to seriously worry!
Posting the information on ATS: you'll be ripped apart here! Just post it, don't take the answers personally and wait for it to happen!

The difficulty is to save as many people as you can... The worst thing is if your sitting there anno 2013 and you have a guilty conscience that you could have saved more lives...

Oh, and I just reread your OP: if your in the conspiracy and really know valuable information, then you won't have the possibility to spill the beans! You might be able to start a chain mail and post on ATS, before they kill you...

Right, just a word of warning: choose the blue pill if you want, but think of the consequences: playing the role of being the local nutter: always being misunderstood and worst of all: loneliness (where do you think you'll find the perfect partner to start a family, if you believe in all that crap???)
Sometimes I just wish I could just enjoy my steak: but if in the situation, I will alwayschoose the blue pill again. (I swore it to God when I was 7...)

EDIT: cool, I just upped a thread that's been dead for 22 months! Done my good deed for today

[edit on 5-8-2007 by Aldolas]

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