posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 04:49 PM
Why does no one here seem to care about the guy committing suicide?
hes terminally ill. he wants to end his life on his own terms.
Who is to say that this guy isnt dying on his own terms.
Some people say they wanna die while getting screwed in bed. Others wanna die in combat.
What about someone who wants to die in front of cherring crowds, so they know they are not alone when they check out? Is this suicide person a fan?
Maybe he is a metal head and this is what he wants: to die in a concert while all his freinds cheer, and music is playing, and a big party is going
on? Not everyone wahnts to die quietly, some people when they die, want to be surrounded by people having a good time because they want to celebrate
thier release.
Think about it. Forget what YOU think is right and moral, what about this poor guy who wants to end it all because he is terminally ill and in pain?
What if this is HIS wish?
Even ifg he isnt a metal head, who is to say this guy wants alot of people to see him check out so they can udnerstand why he chose to do so, and
wishes to enblighten people that death is not terrible for everyone, for some, its a desire and craving!
And while it doesnt surprise me that the show has been canceled, who cares if it was done for publicity? If the suicideal ones wishes were to die in a
rock concert to further his cause, or simply be surrounded by friends doing something he loved doing in life.....
Then how can you people be spo tasteless and cruel to forget about what this dying mans wishes are?