posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 10:30 PM
I see this coming, probably alot of people see this coming by 2010.
CD's no more! I remember when the warehouse and Tower Records sold actual records, then those got phased out and replaced with cassettes. Those got
phased out and replaced with CDs, what is next? No mediums!
When iPODs get closer and closer to the 50-80 gigabyte range of information and the lower gigabyte iPODs come down in price to more commonly
affordable, Direct downloading will be come the standard medium. Such as, a kid has one of these iPODs he could get this "album" either at home or
at a music Kiosk
Music Kiosks, that will look like ATM machines, where one can plug in a memory stick, iPOD, laptop and directly download the music, but the 1.5 - 2
million songs *won't* be on the Kiosk, It will just carry the updated top 200 records, the other two million songs will be downloaded from a server
(Like napster, yahoo! music, etc), it will have to have petabytes of information readily available.
The Movie and gaming Industries is already drifting this way. It's surpising this hasn't already been done. If not, it's WELL on it's way.
ANY information, can be marketed this way.
So, Unlike all the predictions in this forum about Nuclear war, gloom and doom. This is something worthy of more research and possiably investment!