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Any one else ever have that feeling?

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posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 06:30 PM
Ok, here is your answer.

You miss your celestial life. Whatever planet you are from, you are homesick. It could be for another world, one that was much more pleasurable to you, or it could be you miss the heavens. Your spirit and soul yearn for what used to be. Maybe the perfect life.

Thats not to say that you're not happy now- but you were certainly happier in your previous perfect world.

I think this may be the answer.

posted on Nov, 14 2005 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Ok, here is your answer.

You miss your celestial life. Whatever planet you are from, you are homesick. It could be for another world, one that was much more pleasurable to you, or it could be you miss the heavens. Your spirit and soul yearn for what used to be. Maybe the perfect life.

Thats not to say that you're not happy now- but you were certainly happier in your previous perfect world.

I think this may be the answer.

Ok, interesting but I find that a little too "Sylvia Brownesque". I have a fundamental difficulty with reincarnation of any kind. It defies any kind of logic.

Don't get me wrong, I did say I was looking for an answer to a question but, for me at least, I must find it plausible as well and reincarnation just don't fit the bill.

I don't have a problem with those that view it as a source of truth in their life, I just can't picture it in mine.

posted on Nov, 14 2005 @ 10:16 AM
I think, wetwarez, what you may perhaps be having a tough time dealing with, is the world as it exists today...I too, often, have the feeling of being "out-of-time" within the umbrella of a world that is unfamiliar to me. Maybe, your quest for knowledge is to WHY these things that you live with everyday (TV, internet, mobile phones, the plethora of connectivity) seem unnatural to YOU; not that the design and implementation and resulting consumer market of them is any surprise to you, but (in my uninformed opinion) that the nature of them seems way beyond your time. Perhaps you quest for knowledge in a world so cold, where all you remember is warmth, the comfortable feeling of a community where people within that community acted as one, where now individuality and utter independence seems to prevail. Know that, there IS more, there is SO much to learn and grasp...think of the Mayans, the Ancient civilizations of Atlantis, Thera etc etc..they had an understanding of nature unlike we could even comprehend...I, like you, have no propensity toward believing in reincarnation, but perhaps what youre feeling is exactly what those ancient civilizations felt and strove to attain the knowledge of, of how our spirituality, the earth elements, the space elements, how this all comes together and how after having attained that knowledge being able to pass it down for generations to come so that they, too, will be able to experience what you have.

Also, it has been written (but i doubt any way to truly prove this) that, the Schumanns Resonance (which may be described as the heartbeat of the earth or magnetic resonance between the ionosphere and the earths crust) can in some ways affect our perception of time. As an example the typical resonance I believe has throughout the ages been in the vicinity of 7.8 Hz..lately however, some claim it has been increasing and the increase in cycles is said (again this isnt me saying this, only what ive heard) to alter our perception of time such that, the length of time of the day seems shorter than it truly is. If this could, in fact, be a factor in our perception of time, perhaps there are other things as well, it could affect like a feeling of being out of place IN that time. But, i'm only a high school graduate, no degree, what do i know


posted on Nov, 14 2005 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by alphabetaone
I think, wetwarez, what you may perhaps be having a tough time dealing with, is the world as it exists today...I too, often, have the feeling of being "out-of-time" within the umbrella of a world that is unfamiliar to me. Maybe, your quest for knowledge is to WHY these things that you live with everyday (TV, internet, mobile phones, the plethora of connectivity) seem unnatural to YOU; not that the design and implementation and resulting consumer market of them is any surprise to you, but (in my uninformed opinion) that the nature of them seems way beyond your time.....

Actually, I feel stymied.... not bewildered. I see things as too slow, technology too clumsy and the political environment laughable.... I feel as though I was born too early not late.

I have often had the distinct feeling of being "held back" by "something" undefined. Almost like a solution or answer is right on the tip of my tounge but, slips away just as readily.

I don't see technology as pervasive, but not pervasive enough. It's a catch 22.

posted on Nov, 14 2005 @ 10:46 AM
Interesting thread and interesting replies everyone

Ok, my theory goes something like this:

Perhaps what your experiencing could be loosely called "gnosis" or perhaps resonance might be a useful term. It sounds like some activity or outward experience resonates with a thought or concept residing in your psyche, which until that point had no specific frame of reference. When it happens, is it like something "clicks"? And then kind of evaporates?

Maybe the euphoria type feeling is the experience of both the external action and the internal concept co-mingling harmoniously?

Perfectly healthy in my opinion, and a sign of an inquisitve mind/soul/???. Jolly good, keep it up.

posted on Nov, 14 2005 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by fingapointa
... When it happens, is it like something "clicks"? And then kind of evaporates?

Maybe the euphoria type feeling is the experience of both the external action and the internal concept co-mingling harmoniously?

Perfectly healthy in my opinion, and a sign of an inquisitve mind/soul/???. Jolly good, keep it up.

It may be healthy but it's definately odd. A feeling you can't describe. Depth and breadth of dispair/hope/joy/sadness/curiosity... all rolled into one.... Afterwords... unanswered questions, feelings of "emptiness and loss". But, also of I guess surprise....

A feeling like... you've missed the bus and no matter how hard you run, you'll never catch up....

When I have it, I almost feel like I'm a schitzo... or just plain crazy.... dunno...

As for the "clicks" then evaporates... true... but a "residue" is always left, like something unfulfilled... unfinished, undone..... like I need to find/do/complete/study something... but don't know what.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 08:56 PM
I have had this exact feeling many times and still have it, no words seem to describe it its not quite any feeling that or any number of feelings mixed together that already exist, it almost feels like you should be somewhere else, doing something important or that something important is about to happen, something life changing or even world changing.

theres no words that describe it ive always wondered what it is, this feeling can strike me anytime i find but as you said seems to pop up when you think about how vast the universe is

i wish i could tell you what it mens but im as lost as you i would love to know myself

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 09:18 PM
I get this feeling quite a bit. I used to think it was coincidence, but.....

I married a man who is a twin. I am a twin. He shares a birthday with my mother. His granddaughter shares a birthday with my daughter.

Here is the really freaky part, his last name, which is now mine, is the same maiden name of the woman my ex-husband married. I live on a street with the same name that my grandmother lived on for most of her life in a different state!

Yes, I look up at the same stars as everyone else does, and wonder how I come up with these commonalities, out of the very large universe!

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 12:05 PM
Every day, every time I look up at the stars. Every time I think about how vast the universe is and how much I really do not know about anything.

It always feels like there is something just out of my reach, and if I could just think about it for a few minutes I would figure it out but it always slips just beyond my reasoning. I often get weird feelings like I'm "outside of time" I dont know how to explain it, but it's like im sitting there watching things unfold. Don't get me wrong, i'm a fairly well adjusted person ( as much as anyone can be nowadays) so it's not a mental health issue. Just sometimes, I feel like I don't belong "here" either this planet, this time frame or whatever. It's another one of those fleeting moments that passes before I can fully analyze what it means.

It's hard to put this into words that make sense with the feeling. It's like feeling like you are apart of everything and nothing at the same time. Dunno, like I said I have a hard time putting the pieces together .

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by wetwarez

I like how you described it as missing the bus and no matter how fast you run youll never catch up, it does feel like that like you should know what it is but no matter how hard you try you cant seem to figure out what it means or what you should do, the feeling for me is sometimes less fleeting though, its like when yourve forgotten to do something and you cant quite remember what it is but you know its there on the edge of your brain waiting for you to figure it out.

but that still only describes a small part of it, its like you can only describe certain parts but not what it is as a whole, but then i suppose if we new that, we wouldnt be here talking about it

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:25 PM
my .02...

its the divine spark within you glimpsing its creation, the world, and in this also filling you with a sense of wonder that will, and has, caused you to look have these questions that will lead to answers that lead to more questions. in other words, my opinion of that feeling is its one of the first undeniable nudges toward universal realization of oneness and eventually enlightenment, ascension, whatever you want to call it....

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