posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 03:15 PM
The man is qualify as having experiences as a judge, that is something that can not be debate.
This will be a show and eventually he will be appointed.
Right now People For the American Way are gathering activist to go around the nation educating people as why This candidate should not be
O'Connor was a good judge when it comes to views as a moderate, but Alito is considered a far right conservative and many feel that he will
jeopardized the balances in the Supreme court and will endanger peoples rights.
He does have a negative record on privacy, workers and civil rights because his ideologies.
Occurs ideologies has nothing to do with experience at the bench.
One of the issues against him is his views on Congress had no authority to require state employers to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act
through payment of damages when they violate the law, a ruling that was repudiated by the Supreme Court.
He seems to have a negative view of workers protections laws, I don't know why, perhaps because he favors corporate power over workers power who
He also is has negative views on gun control occurs he aimed to machine guns and that to me sounds right, but not for gun happy people.
He has show negativity when it comes to victims of rape and sex discrimination even his own court criticizes him on this issue.
Third Circuit and Supreme Court disagreed with him in Pennsylvania when he tried to restrict abortion rights of married women this is interfering on
privacy rights of women.
Then he got that nasty issue in which black jurors were restricted from a case in which the defendant was black, and The full Third Circuit reversed
Alito’s ruling.
This are the issues that should be brought to the table, the man may have all the experience in the world but when it comes to ideologies and personal
interpretations of the law the man seems to be to radical and perhaps lean to discrimination.
Occurs this my opinion.