posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 08:35 AM
Oh wow, a friend of mine told me about this a year or two ago, and I've been doing it to a lot of people. Its amazing how many people actually
don't have it spring to mind that she killed her to have another funeral to try to meet the guy again!
Its not the 'right' answer, there is no correct answer, its a test to see what you think is the cause of the situation and how you think. The
reasoning being that a regular person would just be perplexed, by a pyschopath/lunatic would instantly think that thats a good way to operate.
They'd see a connection between the cause and effect, whereas regular people'd never even consider it.
I don't know if its 'real' or not, and indeed, having the bit about 'its from a famous american psychologist', who's not named or anything,
seems to smack of urban legend to me. So I snopesed around and found that it indeed is:
I think there's a bit of validity to it tho, just because some people hit upon the 'she killed her ot meet the guy again' bit , and other people
are just completely stupified and can't think why.
[edit on 3-11-2005 by Nygdan]