posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 05:22 PM
I have been cleaning up alot of files around here and came across this the other day. I am pretty sure this hasnt been discussed on this website and
I dont belive I have ever posted anything about it I have checked the website's old url address and http address and both work being what I had read
about this years ago with all of the infomation that is out there I had just lost track of it. To this day the only thing I know about this project
is that It was set up by nato and a few others I wouldnt rule out the cia or fbi on this one either. Here is the website and the mission statement.
The real good one is the mission statement. Most of the the Current Infomation regarding this project I have to this day been un able to find I gave
up looking a few years ago.
Mission Statement.
I would have posted this in other resorces of infomation but I dont see it on the main page anymore and didnt know where else to put it.
Hope people take the time to read just the mission statement.