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found a pyramid in Russia with google earth (really in the middle of no where location inside)

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posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 01:35 AM

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 01:53 AM
To be honest I think it's just the terrain. Look at the other peaks, they're all somewhat pyramid shape. It's even the same colour.
If you were to see it from the other side I bet it's more flat than the side you see.

But I might be wrong, maybe a better pic would be clearer?

Did you add the orangy colour in the close up?

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 01:59 AM
Yes I did add the spung to the close up so people could make it out. But if you have google earth you can go look at it yourself with those the cor I gave just put them into search bar on the left side i think, also if you look at it for a bit it is alittle bit different color then the surrounding terran, its more whiter and the top is pointed and theres a hill in front of the left side of it, its hard to make out since its out in the middle of no where and they dont give 100m photos of those parts of the world lol.

But really It could be man made, you never know so many unexplored parts of the world and we miss things that are right in front of us like the Bosnia pyramid XD

Edit: also might concider the color is that if it is a pyramid people who built it used the material in the local area it is in, kinda like the south american ones. So it would over time decay the same way and have some growth on it. i might be wrong though

[edit on 29-10-2005 by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 02:38 AM
Yep that's true, you never know.

I applaud you for searching anyway, better to point something out and be wrong than to keep quite when you were right. (does that make sense LOL)

I've never realy messed with google earth but maybe I will, could be fun and at least interesting.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 02:53 AM
Yeh I get what your saying, I was noticing no one really looks into that part of the world since its so desolete. I was just fustrated that no one explores these massive open forest and mountians in Russia like many many hundreds/thousands of miles of unexplored and unnoticed land there. I used to think all the places on the planet that could be found were found but I was so wrong. The population in those areas are like 0-1 per mile lol in fact only tribes live in most parts.

I think its some of the best looking areas in the world its amazing how those mountian formations are (not just the ones the pyramid type object is at)

heres a 3d view of it... its a pyramid alright... so i anit that crazy lol

[edit on 29-10-2005 by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 11:02 AM
There are pyramid shapes all over the world, but only a very few are manmade.

Rivers (including spring runoff in the mountains) cause many of them, but glaciers also have sculpted many in the past. Much depends on the age of the landscape and what it's made of and how often it gets wet (or got wet in the geologic past.)

Your more distant view shows how much water has sculpted that landscape, and although there are no glaciers there at this time, I think it was part of the great Russian Ice Shield that was buried under massive glaciers during the previous ice age (20,000-10,000 years ago for a 10,000 year time period).

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 12:59 PM
Yeh i know that. But this one i noticed was 300-500 feet higher then the surrounding mountians, in fact its the highest point in that range. Oh well never know, looks like if it was a man made structer they built it on high ground like that around the time the ice started to melt after the ice age. Your probally right though but never know untill you look into it more which in fact for me is impossible XD


posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 05:06 PM
The coordinates you give are for a place called Taskan. The terrain around Taskan looks nothing like your pictures so can you try again please. If possible use google map to locate it and save it as a link. The first link below is google map/Taskan



[edit on 8/11/2005 by Wig]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 07:21 AM

Yeh I get what your saying, I was noticing no one really looks into that part of the world since its so desolete. I was just fustrated that no one explores these massive open forest and mountians in Russia like many many hundreds/thousands of miles of unexplored and unnoticed land there. I used to think all the places on the planet that could be found were found but I was so wrong. The population in those areas are like 0-1 per mile lol in fact only tribes live in most parts.

funny you should say that, i agree, my buiss partner is russian and i asked him about that part of the world....

he said it was quite common in the past for research teams to venture off on discovery missions and not return, never to be seen again, the russian authorities put it down to the extreme cold and harsh terrain, with several team members falling through frozen lakes and drowning not realizing that they were carrying heavy equipment over a lake they couldnt see under the snow.

Apparentley he said that plans were put in place to erect tower like staging posts for helicopters to land on and open a supply route to scientists wishing to explore this remote place but it was never implemented due to the high cost of such an operation.

Wether the above is true or not im not sure?....just what i was told by someone from that part of the world.


posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 12:20 AM
Yeh I have heard about that to. Russia has some massive peices of land that are unexplored and some even never touched by man in like 20,000 years or more. Seeing how this world works and the way man loves to simplify things and even make them harder to understand and change to there own image I imagine we only know 99% of our own history just in the America's and the rest is just crazy like 99.93% i bet.

Its like this, if we all died like and in that case stoping the constent resource taking and tree chopping madness, it would only take 50 years for everything we ever built to be over taken by vegitation and dirt. Now imagine erosion, the further you go back the less you will find. Which makes understanding if we actually had ancheint advanced civilizations before the ice age and a nuclear war sent us to the stone age making einstiens theory already proved. WW4 was already faught with sticks and stones LOL.

People like Nicoli Tesla said they have dreams about there inventions and sometimes it be like a black box he imagine it and every peice that went into the invention was there he then mimiced it and it worked? how is that possible? if the person who did the interview wasnt lieing about him and how he got his inventions and ideas. Now my only solution was some how his mind knew more then modern man or it was in his brian cells from anchient genetics passed on and awaken finally through the ages. He is the reason we have TV, cell phones, cheap electricity, computers.ect and his famous tesla coil (not from Red alert series but close) and his amazing findings on how springs can generate more then enough power.

Now with that in my mind figured out ANYTHING CAN BE OUT HTERE IN THE DIRT OR ON A HILL OR STICKING OUT OF THE MELTING SNOW CAPS just waiting to come out of the black box of uhhh planet earths hidden history.

And i will fix the cori in a sec once my google earth wants to work again hold up wig

[edit on 10-11-2005 by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz]

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 08:30 PM
I actually see a better one in the top left corner.,150.406866&spn=0.024763,0.053734&t=k&hl=en

that's one i found in the taskan region

[edit on 4-12-2005 by christkiller]

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 09:56 AM

oh sure its a pyramid alright,

you make me laugh

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 06:10 PM
That was definitly part of the terrain. Looking down it should look like a square wit 4 lines going towards the middle.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 12:23 PM
Well, it looks like a mountain to me... =/

In fact alot of the other peaks look just like it. I don't think its anything out of the ordinary if you ask me. From the angle your looking at it, it may not even have all four sides, it could have just three since you can't see the back.

[edit on 12-1-2006 by Kacen]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 04:04 PM
I went to your GOOGL UK link and it was not anything like the area as previously shown...Hmmmmm

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 04:08 PM
Does anyone know or can explain what the SOLID black is? Is this a spot that can not be read by Sats?

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 04:11 PM
Location: Taskan, Magadanskaya Russia
X: 16740200m Y: 9057900m
Lat: 62:58:57N (62.9826) Lon: 150:22:48E (150.38)
Web Address:

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 07:40 PM
this may be not at all related but:,150.352707&spn=0.135193,0.386169&t=k&hl=en I found AREA 51! *snicker*

If there were pyramids there than I suggest some eccentric millionare named indiana jon- I mean I suggest we get someone to check it out.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 10:35 PM

you mean that? pretty weird they dont black out AREA 51 but they black out this random place in russia

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 02:34 PM
Because if they didn't than the terrorists have won. Also, thats Russias equivlent of Area 51 if you keep up on your conspiracy theories there is a Russian Area 51.

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