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And again: DON'T DRINK MILK!!!

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posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 05:52 AM
I posted a link a while ago which claims that milk is not healthy:
I support that theory because I've been drinking milk all my life and I have asthma, I'm growing too fast (milk supports 15% of the growth) and have allergies like #...I think it could be the hormones in the milk. Oh and look what our good friend the FDA says:

Now tell me what you think!

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 05:56 AM
Milk is kinda gross when you think about where it comes from. You are drinking a liquid excretion from another animal. Though it is highly processed by the time it gets to you.

I don't particularly care for milk, but there are some cheeses I couldn't live without.

Just about all meat products have growth hormone in them, so its inescapable. It is definitely a fact that people are larger/taller than they were just 100 years ago. Growth hormones in food/milk could certainly be a causal agent.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 06:20 AM
A funny thing.

Milk, and the protruberances through which it is delivered, are what defines mammals. Of which homo sapiens is an example like any other.

Many species can when the need arises survive off the milk of another.

The problem with cows milk is just the unnecessary direct and indirect additives, GM and otherwise. And all of those are put in for fast buck commercial reasons.

Caveat emptor, but the buyer doesn't get to here enough. The reasons for that are again fast buck commercial reasons.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 06:27 AM
milk is really nice ur all crazy who cares if it gives ur hormones or whatever u cant have pleasure without the pain

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 06:53 AM
That hack coroner's report of Flo Jo's death was entertaining. Particularly the hasty conclusion made about the lack of mouth trauma being indicative of a cover-up regarding her cause of death. This was a far far stretch.

From the posted FDA link:

The Warning Letters explain that "No Hormones" and "Hormone Free" are false claims because all milk contains naturally occurring hormones, and milk can not be processed in a manner that renders it free of hormones.

And Heelstone said:

It is definitely a fact that people are larger/taller than they were just 100 years ago. Growth hormones in food/milk could certainly be a causal agent.

People 100 years ago were still getting those naturally occurring growth hormones, unless you are implying that nobody drank milk 100 years ago. I wonder if there is another possible explanation? What's in the water? What's in the chicken? What's in the beef? What's in the air? What is in our pre-processed foods?

I support that theory because I've been drinking milk all my life and I have asthma, I'm growing too fast (milk supports 15% of the growth) and have allergies like #...I think it could be the hormones in the milk.

Could your asthma and growth rate be influenced by your genetics at all? It *could* be the hormones in the milk, in the same way that it *could* be your family's genetic structure. Milk is one possible explanation out of hundreds of other possibilities. Unless you've gotten endocrine testing it may be too early to conclude that milk is the ultimate culprit.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 07:16 AM
I don't care much for milk. I eat very little cheese & ice cream occasionally.

I'm doing fine in spite of the so-called threat of lack of calcium from not consuming enough dairy products. It's over-rated.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 07:21 AM
not much is good for ya these days so # it i say, i'm healthy and i drink lotsa milk.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 07:51 AM
I'll never stop drinking milk, ever. While I agree with you the hormones in milk are not good, there are alternatives. Oberweis dairy comes to mind, they are a premium, hormone-free dairy company. Alta Dena is another hormone-free dairy company. Milk, to me, is an important part of my diet, especially skim milk. Without it, I would not be as healthy as I am now.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 07:51 AM
100 years ago you would have had a much greater chance of being malnourished as a child. And, very likely smaller.

Has anyone seen Civil War uniforms? Many of them are tiny!

Food is a witches brew of hormones, amino acids, DNA, oils, chemicals, polutants. insect parts, etc.

If you look too closely, you might starve to death....

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 08:08 AM
Got Milk?

Not for me... I was allergic to it as an infant, and am still pretty lactose intolerant... My stomach simply doesn't like it....and yeah, it is kind of gross.... I can handle it if it's ice cold, and with either chocolate or baked goods (seems to offset the stomach problem for some reason), but that's about it....

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 10:25 AM
Screw all you milk haters.

Milk is such a gift from mother nature man. I mean we wouldn't have ceriel which is possibly the best invention of the 20th century.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 10:56 AM
I drink 2-4 glasses of milk per day and I haven't been this healthy ever! All of the info published on how milk is bad for you is hard to back up.

If you think about it everything you eat today is bad for you.

Chemicals, pesticides, additives, preservatives, ect.

If milk is bad for you, wouldn't you also have to accuse cheese, ice cream, sour cream as well of being unhealthy?

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 11:20 AM
Additional thoughts:

One person's poison is another person's medicine.

One size does not fit all.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 11:21 AM
Additional thoughts:

One person's poison is another person's medicine.

One size does not fit all.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 11:33 AM
Milk is full of calcium too. good for you bones and teeth.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 11:43 AM
Milk does the body good......

I've been drinking milk since I can't problems here.

Genetics and genes is another matter though...


posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 11:59 AM
Milk is good for health but wine is better!

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 02:31 PM
My brother's a bio major, so I've been given the whole lecture on milk.
Cow milk is NOT good for you. I still drink it, but that doesn't change the fact that cow milk is made up of different and larger components than human milk, which is fine. (I don't know all the fancy terms, gimme a break). Also, milk is only for infants. Not adults. As far as hormones go, yes, there are ordinary hormones in all milk. But why do cows give milk most of the year(not just during/after giving birth)? BECAUSE THEY ARE GIVEN FEMALE COW HORMONE. Yep, there's estrogen in cow milk. Why do you think girls grow phenomenally faster than boys and are maturing at an increasingly younger age? Female hormones.
So stop drinking milk. You can get more calcium from a glass of orange juice.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 04:17 PM
Milk isn't good for you, unless you're 2 years old or younger.

All that lactose and other # is bad for your body.
I stopped drinking milk 6 months ago (not that I drinked that much anyway) and now I only drink soy milk. I think it's the way too good, it have LOTS of calcium and others vitamin/mineral/etc...

Soy Milk is the way to go. You can drink up to 4 or 5 big glasses a day, with out any problem.

Now I always use it, with my cereal or protein-shake, whatever, and it taste good too. (IMO)

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 04:26 PM
Ever seen those commercials that say that 3 cups of milk is required to build strong bones and to grow. i've never drank milk until two years ago, and i was always the tallest biggest person in the class until a couple of years ago. anyway, milk is also evil because milk and cerial create a neverending spiral. first, you have milk left, so you add more cerial, then you don't have enough milk so you add more. then you have too much and you add some more cerial. ITS A NEVERENDING CYCLE!!! anyway, i'm still trying to wonder why theres salt in chocolate milk, and not normal milk.

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