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Pandemic flu plan meeting

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posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 07:53 PM
Meeting today in Ottawa, Ministers of Health and WHO official plan for the "upcoming" flu pandemic. If this does break out, it would take a worldwide effort to stop and curtail it.
Canada has one of the most enviable national pandemic plans in place, with stockpiles of the coveted antiviral drug Tamiflu and an action plan among provincial and federal health officials. Having learned from the SARS epidemic, which claimed 44 lives in Toronto in 2003 and cost the city $1 billion in lost tourism, Canada is ahead in such preparations.

But Prime Minister Paul Martin said the developed nations have an obligation to the poorer ones to share pandemic plans, influenza testing and any drugs that might ward off a global tragedy caused by a mutant strain of H5N1 avian flu, which has already killed dozens of people in Asia.

And here is a link to Canada's plans

And another one

Anyone have any other countries plans etc?

[edit on 24-10-2005 by valkeryie]

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 08:07 PM
The plan in the USA is to call in FEMA so you can all get ready to start picking on another global bully cause everyone here will be dead.

This would be an excellant time to invest in the body bag business, or start your own. If you can build coffins you might want to stock up on lumber cause your business is about to boom.

We're doomed I tell ya, DOOMED!!!!!!

And i'm serious when I say i'm an optimist.

Love and light,



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