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Bush love immigrants?

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posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 07:16 PM
Bush wants to give immigrant workers a Guess permit to work

Caught between business supporters who need foreign workers and conservatives clamoring for a clampdown on illegal immigration, President Bush tried on Saturday to give his temporary guest-worker plan a nudge by promising strong enforcement.

What does this mean? Well it means that in is proposed plan he will give undocumented workers a three year visas for work and then given them another three years extensions.

After that they have to go back to their countries and tried again.

This bill was introduce last year, but the Republicans wants to address the issue of illegal workers first and also the more conservatives see this bill as giving amnesty to undocumented workers and that has been a dispute in the white house.

Do you agree with this aproach to migrant workers in US?

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 08:00 PM
Well, like it or not they will always get into the Country.

Living in the United Kingdom an Island, I can say that for sure.

So you have two options;

Let them work illegally and pay tax or let them work illegally and not pay taxes.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 08:21 PM
That will be the ideal but still you will have the ones that are always complaining about having illegals working the jobs that belong to the American people.

But what they do not say is that they are the jobs that American people don't want.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Well, like it or not they will always get into the Country.

Living in the United Kingdom an Island, I can say that for sure.

So you have two options;

Let them work illegally and pay tax or let them work illegally and not pay taxes.

Thats only one option. Maybe we should let them work legally as many do with green cards. The problem is, undocumented workers are forced to work for much less. One thing is for sure; the immigration laws in the US need some serious tweeking to afford some sort of standard for all immigrants not just Mexicans.

[edit on 24-10-2005 by whaaa]

[edit on 24-10-2005 by whaaa]

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 12:07 PM
Excuse me, but the Indian's were here first, people who came after them were invader's of this country and I didn't see them get kicked out or scorned for coming to the land of opportunity, so why are American's who have ancestor's who participated in the travel here, downing mexican's for coming here for the same thing...

Hello! Can we hypocrisy?!

You know, sometimes I think racism has a lot to do with hating on immigrants, I really do.

Giving them easy access to work permits is a hell of a lot better then making them go through the current process that is difficult as hell and takes a year if not more to complete (I should know I am classified as a NON-IMMIGRANT granted permission to stay in this country with a work permit card after waiting 2 freaking years for them to finally get to my application papers)which is why so many take the desert stroll. They want in here now! They want to send money home to their families, they want to to feed their children, and they want to be able to do it before they starve to death and die because their current state of government is inadaquate.

Why is this a bad thing again? jesus christ.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 01:09 PM

Bush wants to give immigrant workers a Guess permit to work

No he doesn't. This is just part of the light show that his administration likes to throw out there to take our eyes off the man behind the curtain. It's never going to happen. Americans don't support it and even if they did--it's only talk for the sake of talking about something other than the war or Plume-gate, the economy and the 45 million of us that don't have healthcare and never will.

This probably means he's going on another "road trip" to stage a couple townhalls to get some photo-ops with brown americans.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Saphronia

This probably means he's going on another "road trip" to stage a couple townhalls to get some photo-ops with brown americans.

Yeap, now that Cheney is in the spot light I guess bush wants to get out of Washington and away from the vice president and it's group.

I guess it sounds like Bush alright.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 02:27 PM
its not about immigrants or any such thing taken for granted in the news by most people. Its about votes to keep and maintain power. Its usually about votes and all that this brings to a party. We as the easily fooled public tend to use the standard mantras fed to us by the media across the board.
It is part of a long range plan to change the political make up of the south west states and remove them from the democrat camp. West Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and the prize ..California. California would be a huge prize to wrest from the democratic camp but they will settle for Arizona and New Mexico.
Latino votes have been traditionally conservative. This is why the administration was not in favor of those people who went to Arizona and watched the border for a month.
There seems to be some kind of a deal going on between Mexico and the United States to facillitate this happening..complete with contempt for our affairs by the Mexican government..almost out in the open with the contempt.
This is also a huge political welfare check for the Mexican Government and the American buisnesses which set up shop there for pennies on the dollar after the Mexican inflation of the 1980s. It helps cover up alot of their mismanagement over the years by our own mismanagement.
Nevertheless it seems to be about politics and changing the political makeup of the southwestern states. If so quite a long range ambitious plan.


posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
But what they do not say is that they are the jobs that American people don't want.

We don't say it because it simply isn't true. That's something that Fox and Bush go around saying to shut people up on it. If illegals weren't working those jobs and Americans got them, the employers would have to pay more. I'd rather pay a little more for strawberries than see tax dollars support illegals!

I've had factory jobs before and after the places I've worked, picking fruit actually sounds rather fun.

We don't need migrant workers or guest workers. We need to get our own people working.

Furthermore, when you have illegals/migrants working here, where do you think a lot of that money goes? Not here--to Mexico!
And I doubt that basically sending money to Mexico does anything for our economy.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Amethyst
I'd rather pay a little more for strawberries than see tax dollars support illegals!

Actually, we wouldn't have to pay more for the goods if we would just put healthy, able-bodied welfare recipients into these jobs. I don't understand how people can complain about the unemployment rates in this country and yet be for illegal immigrants working in the US.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by rhelt100
I don't understand how people can complain about the unemployment rates in this country and yet be for illegal immigrants working in the US.

You and me both. Why are we giving things (jobs, healthcare, etc.) to people who shouldn't even be here in the first place, and screwing American citizens over?

I'm just saying, some people will say we "need" illegals working here so our costs will stay down. But I'd rather pay more and have the money go into the American economy than to go to Mexico. Besides, free healthcare for illegals comes out of our pockets anyhow.

I have no problem with Hispanics btw (I have first cousins who are half-Puerto Rican). My issue is with people who are breaking the law by being here, doesn't matter what language you speak or what color you are.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by rhelt100
Actually, we wouldn't have to pay more for the goods if we would just put healthy, able-bodied welfare recipients into these jobs.

You or I cannot 'put' anybody into anything or any job, problem with welfare recipients is that they don't want those kinds of jobs. Some, not all have a superiority complex, which is why they enjoy sitting on their rear end, getting their nails done, or drinking their beer in their 1500 dollar recliner. the others who aren't like that would rather use their money to further their education so they don't have to work those kinds of jobs.

Perhaps in China or the soviet union you could 'put' people into whichever jobs you thought they should take, but not in america. The mentality of some of you american's.


You need to keep in mind that the real criminals (not illegals that want to support their families) are already in America and they are American's... those who cross the border 'illegally' meaning w/ out documentation from the federal government, need to support their families back in Mexico because their own country is so shtty. Some of you folks treat these people worse then american home grown criminals,and these immigrants just want to put food on their table, jesus christ. And also you poo pooh 'migrants' which i also have a problem w/ ...Newflash: every freeking person in this country comes from a 'migrant' before the us government was even created, people were coming here for the opportunity to create a better life for themself and their families. But we live in an age where pencil pusher's got it through our heads that they are the 'law' and nobody gets by them first without them issuing a plastic card w/ your picture on it. was it like that back when your ancestors came here? or does that not count.

Of course there needs to be standards set for people who want to come to this country, and innocent hard working people shouldn't persecuted, they should be issued id asap (not 2 yrs down the road after applying and wasting thousands of dollars on the application procedure) to grant them the chance to make a livlihood, hell their standard of success is alot lower then yours or mine and you still turn your nose up to them for 'taking money away from the american economy', is everything really about money here? or is just being used as a mask because you really have a disdain for all the mexican's that are here right now taking over most of california and the south western states? This country is going to continue changing color because immigrants will become americans and they will eventually be the majority, just like white europeans used to be the majority along time ago.

You have absolutely no idea how long the immigration procedure takes, you have no idea how much money it costs "people" (i say people because immigrant just sends one a negative connotation to ones head) from other countries to try and live here 'legally' to make a better life for themself. Your mentality is totally snot-nose thinking, but I don't get mad because your experience in this field is limited and your just going off of what your party platform spouts.

Ps: While you get mad at those immigrants for bringing american jing back to Mexico, why don't youalso sht on people who travel to other foreign countries EVERYDAY of the year for spending their American money in other countries, or does that not count because they're not 'illegal'...

[edit on 27-10-2005 by TrueLies]

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 12:24 PM
Well i can tell you that this maybe a smoke screen.
One freind of mine has been in the US since 1998 illegally.
He is from South Korea.
He has submitted and been granted a temporary work visa every year since 2000.
This year when the INS sent him his renewal paperwork, he filled it out and then reported for his meeting. At the meeting he was arrested for being in the country illegally, released on his own recognizance, and is now looking at being deported in 2 weeks. He has hired an attorney to try to stay.
I did not know he was here illegally until he asked me to translate the arrest papers
This has put one heck of a scare into the local (non- mexican) illegal community.
The mexican illegal community seem to be exempt from this issue and are still being granted temp work visas. People from other countries are being arrested when they go for their interview.
For those in the DFW area, Fox4 News will be airing this issue sometime next week.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 01:44 PM
Bush is just doing what his controllers are asking. The large corporations can get the benefit of cheap labor without ever leaving the US. As a fringe benefit they can break the spirit of the American laborers by breaking their unions and taking away their hard earned benefits. Nearly every law that has been passed under Bush 2 has worked to the benefit of Big Business while taking from the poor. How any red blooded American who belongs to the Middle Class could support the present regime is beyond me!

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 01:51 PM

When you're here illegally, that means you've committed a crime. Why should you be rewarded? If anything, I think there should be a moratorium on legal immigration, and we should toss illegal immigrants out. Only accept legal immigrants in extreme circumstances.

I'm not buying the "but their country is so crappy" line. If they want things to be better, then they can work on improving their OWN country rather than drag us down!

Able-bodied people should not be on welfare if there are jobs around. When you're on unemployment, for example, you have to PROVE that you were out looking for a job in order to keep receiving benefits. I think the same should apply to welfare recipients. I think there's something wrong when I'm wearing clothes from Goodwill (nothing wrong with that, really) and someone on welfare is better-dressed than I!

Kick out the illegals and that will create job openings.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies
You or I cannot 'put' anybody into anything or any job, problem with welfare recipients is that they don't want those kinds of jobs.

You have misinterpreted my words. Of course we can't "put" people into a job and that was not my intended meaning. What can be done is the government could stand up and say "We are not giving away free money to able-bodied Americans anymore. If you want to continue receivng your welfare check, you need to report to xx daily and work for it." Giving people money to do nothing is a waste of resources and degrades the country.

Some, not all have a superiority complex, which is why they enjoy sitting on their rear end, getting their nails done, or drinking their beer in their 1500 dollar recliner. the others who aren't like that would rather use their money to further their education so they don't have to work those kinds of jobs.

I think that this superiority complex might go away when the refrigerator empties out and the power is turned off. As for those pursuing a college education, I respect that, but there are programs for that other than welfare.
The entire welfare system in this country needs to be rewritten so that only those who really need it can get it. If a person honestly has a disability and cannot work, I have no problem with paying tax money to support them. Otherwise, even if it's publically funded neighborhood improvement projects, these people need to work for their money. Half of the problem is that low income children grow up in homes like this and just assume it's the right thing to do.

Perhaps in China or the soviet union you could 'put' people into whichever jobs you thought they should take, but not in america. The mentality of some of you american's.

I think you know that I didn't mean it that way. The last line of this quote just shows that you seem to have some internal prejudice against Americans. Is it so wrong to just want everybody to do their part instead of leeching off of the rest of us?

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst
When you're here illegally, that means you've committed a crime. Why should you be rewarded? If anything, I think there should be a moratorium on legal immigration, and we should toss illegal immigrants out. Only accept legal immigrants in extreme circumstances.

Only accept legal immigrants in extreme cirumstances?? So your basically saying that people who want to migrate here whether it be from greenland, Italy, Chezc republic, or Norway, they should only be allow here in extreme circumstances?? The land that started from millions of immigrants is now denying prospective immigrants the chance that they had at making a better life for themselves... wow, thats real cool.

And i'm not saying REWARD ILLEGALS, i'm saying grant them work permits right away instead of the process taking 2 years because of the red tape and loops one has to jump through.. .If someone is willing to work hard why deny them the right to come into this country and work??

Are these people not better in principle compared those who are on welfare or those painters/carpenter's who dont show up for work, answer their phones when your wondering why they're late, and when you do see them again they have excuse after excuse?

I'd rather reward a mexican then one of those I mentioned.

I'm not buying the "but their country is so crappy" line. If they want things to be better, then they can work on improving their OWN country rather than drag us down!

Your not buying that line? It's a statement based off an element of TRUTH, you want me to sugar coat that fact and say everything down there is hunky dory??? IF they want to improve their own country? how can these people who are poor create jobs? The reason why they are coming over here in the first place is because there aren't ENOUGH jobs down there. What part of that don't you understand? They don't have as many job opportunities down there like america does...

Kick out the illegals and that will create job openings.

Jobs that you or I don't want, that is the point. I would rather have a mexican work on my roof or on my wet bar and bathroom, doing carpentry work, rather then hire a 38yr old male who shows up late, if i'm lucky he even shows up at all, leaves early, demands payment and then I don't see him for a couple days. This falls in line with painters, I would rather have a mexican do that job also because they will DO THE JOB AND DO IT RIGHT.

[edit on 28-10-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

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