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Prophecy.....A history of the future........

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posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 11:15 PM
Found this link about prophecy relating to the Popes of History .......leading up to the Antichrist......

It sais that after this Pope dies.....
St Malachi and many others have prophecied basically the same thing....

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 06:44 AM
Just remember that the people who are in power can MAKE prophecies come true by putting people in charge who were prophecised to be in charge.
I fully expect the Pope line to be followed to the letter and a Jesus Christ like figure to appear but I don't think it will be anything miraculous, I think it will be a trick used to control the world.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 07:23 AM
lol after this pope dies then we have the pope of the olive branch and then the last pope, he's gonna wreck the catholic religion so i'm all for him haha

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by banjoechef
lol after this pope dies then we have the pope of the olive branch and then the last pope, he's gonna wreck the catholic religion so i'm all for him haha

banj......It is not that he will ''wreck'' the Roman Catholic Church.........but bring about Chrsiatianity as it was before the great Schism......1054...
Olive branch signifying ''Peace ''(but you probably knew that!)
The word Pope means Father.......but when the Pope becomes 'Infallible'' that is when people want answers.....
Only God is 'infallible'' and no man alive is without sin...

When Roman Catholisism falls, as many other prophecy speaks of it....There will be Christianity as it was ....
When democracy is installed everywhere, then the Antichrist shall appear to supposedly ''fix'' the worlds problems......
He will be the Eleventh in a world wide meeting.....he will be accepted as the worlds brilliant thinker of all mankind....he will be seen as a kind and generous person .....all this will be an act of fool the people of all time....
Great miracles and signs in the air will be come the norm.....remember, signs in the air are not miraculous, and this would indicate that the place of demons is in the air....Jesus Christ called the devil.....PRINCE of the air.......where he will work most of his miracles......
U.F.O'S may well be one of them........

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 03:22 AM
Great link, helen670.

I've looked through the other prophecies too, interesting

I always thought that this prediction of the fall of Roman Catholicism is highly unlikely to happen. Right now, there isnt a single sign that such thing will occur in the near future. You cant take scandals or corruption for a sign as that has been going on for centuries. Actually the Church is in better state now then it ever was. While in the past the weapon to keep people in was fear, terror, you were forced to join the church, nowdays you do it if you want to. Nobody is gonna burn you alive if you're not in church on sunday. That also means the chances of somebody destroying all that are less now then what they used to be a few 100 years ago.

Now to antichrist.
Are we supposed to think that every good man is actually evil?? That prediction also always seemed weird to me.
" If you see somebody walking around, doing good things for the world, kill him, cause hes actually the Antichrist" hmmmm...

I am very sceptical myself about this prediction.
Also how do we know the end is gonna happen now?? The descriptions of endtimes are very vague and confusing.

[Edited on 17-9-2003 by paperclip]

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 04:11 AM
thank you for a great website i ever seen like what you bring out here.ermsss so that all the final ways of this world where we are living in it seem all the same like what i ve seen too in the future but there is a slight change in there guess what? i dont want to says about that just lets the time will tell yaa all

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 10:04 PM
I know nothing of this anti christ phenom.
Is this man/woman evil, good.
Im a bit confused.

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 10:21 PM
Very interesting article Helen.
The only 'real' problem I have with this, and with prophesies in general, is that the future is ever-changing and always uncertain....even to those who try to percieve "it."

I believe in the "now," for in truth, there is no past nor future, but only "here and now."


posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 10:31 PM
Paper..quote///I always thought that this prediction of the fall of Roman Catholicism is highly unlikely to happen. Right now, there isnt a single sign that such thing will occur in the near future. You cant take scandals or corruption for a sign as that has been going on for centuries. Actually the Church is in better state now then it ever was.

Well, Now is more likely for things to happen because of the corruption and all things that are happening in the whole of Christianity.......
Rules and laws were written down in the early church to understand what is happening right now.......since 1054 there have been major changes in the whole of Christianity......and they continue to do so.....
The fall of Roman Catholisism is very likely to happen because many people today more then ever want answers .......and when the answers are not truth and are distroted, then people want to know why it is ...
Before 1054 there was never any argument to who was better or the top head of the was and always has been Jesus Christ as the head of the church....

quote from Paper....////I am very sceptical myself about this prediction.
Also how do we know the end is gonna happen now?? The descriptions of endtimes are very vague and confusing.

Well, again the end or should I say before the end of the world, we shall know because at the same time or just before the appearance of the Antichrist...there shall come also 2 prophets......Enoch and Elias(Elijah).....they will preach to the whole world of the appearance of the Antichrist and shall do so for 3 and half years ....after their preaching, they shall be murdered at the same place Jesus Christ was crucified.....then after 3 days, their bodies shall rise into the air and a major earthquake and various catastrophies shall happen....just as it did when Jesus Christ was Crucified(world wide it is known that when Jesus Christ died,there was major catastophies and earthquakes.....)

The end time prophecies are not as confusing as we think.....there are so many prophecies that have been handed down to us......and I'm not talking about modern prophets or those of Nostrdamus(he may have had some come true, but they were not prophecy from God)....Nostradamus did dwell into the occult and prophecy though may be some truth in it, it has many lies to confuse the people )

Zero..........Quote///I know nothing of this anti christ phenom.
Is this man/woman evil, good.
Im a bit confused.

He will be a man......born and kept in secret for the right time for his ''world wide appearance'' he will seem to know a great deal and a great thinker......
He will come at a time of need and a conference will be held (political and council of churches)to solve the problems that will seem all futile......he will be the 11th that will be regarded as the great thinker and problem solver of all time.....

He will play a huge part in solving the problems of Jerusalem (middle East)
He will not show his true colours....he will hide behind a mask......hmmmmmmm not literally speaking!

A false prophet will announce him into the world......

Just as there was the FATHER, SON AND hOLY SPIRIT...there will be a trinity of evil.......
The false Prophet, The man Antichrist and the Devil....all combined .....

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Very interesting article Helen.
The only 'real' problem I have with this, and with prophesies in general, is that the future is ever-changing and always uncertain....even to those who try to percieve "it."

I believe in the "now," for in truth, there is no past nor future, but only "here and now."

Very true......but at any SECOND things can change for the whole world!
It is better to know of what may come, then to not be in the know!

And if one that has read and learnt something, it may be a good thing because one will know what is expected of them to do .......If it does not come out, then one has not lost anything........

[Edited on 9/18/2003 by helen670]

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 09:54 PM
here's more info if anyone wants to read.....

In Holy Scripture the term antichrist has a twofold meaning. In a broad and general sense this word indicates every person hostile to Christ's teaching (the Greek prefix anti- signifies against).
This is the meaning St. John the Theologian used to speak of many antichrists in his epistles. In a particular sense the name Antichrist signifies a definite person � the leading adversary of Christ who is to appear before the end of the world.
The appearance of this definite Antichrist on the world scene constitutes the final and decisive sign that the Second Coming of Christ is at hand.

All the growing aversion towards God on the part of mankind close to the end of the world will become, so to speak, concentrated in this definite man of sin, who will lead the final desperate battle against Christianity. Of the characteristics and actions of this Antichrist, we read in St. Paul's second epistle to the Thessalonians:

"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God �
And now you know what is restraining (Divine Grace and Providence), which does not allow his appearance. that he may be revealed in his own time.
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thes. 2:3-11).

A number of external factors will have to play a significant role in strengthening the power of the coming Antichrist.
Possibly, during his time the threat of nuclear and biological warfare, or the specter of a horrible political and economic crisis will hang over mankind. Governments will be on the verge of collapse, and nations in turmoil and revolt. Then, on the murky waters of a global cataclysm, a "brilliant" leader will surface as the sole savior of mankind.


Sorry for the long thread...It is worth a read...

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 07:33 AM
I have scanned this thread and seen many prophecize about the Antichrist, and whatever.

Shouldn't one understand that we are all Godly people and an extension of the father?

The second coming of Christ? We are all Christ like in a way. Would one recognize Jesus if he actually showed up again? I would venture he probably has many times over.

What was that song? "If God Sat Next To You on a Bus" or something like that. God always sits next to you on a bus. That fellow who hasn't shaved in weeks and smells wretched? A part of God-just like you and me.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 01:33 PM
thank you Helen....
i should have productive read time material...

About this" PROPHECY" concept,

Isn't it a matter of Perspective...after all?

to my knowledge/temperment & historical records that
are available to me and my contemporaries...---->

Prophecies exist, because they are accounts of 'things'
not yet happened...(according to our collective knowledge)
however that does not mean that phrophetic events have never happened...BEFORE !!

mankind, with an expected 70 years of living...and the
family of man having a recorded culture about 5,000 yrs.


RECURRING CYCLE....therefore inevitable, fate, destiny !

TANGENT #2:::: the Anti-Christ

the man (future A-C) is not aware of his destiny !!!

for 3 1/2 years this acclaimed leader/treaty maker/ etc.
forges alliances bridges hatreds * violence. terrorism....


Then the Devil/Satan enters the man's body and re-animates (ressurects?) for a FINAL 3 1/2 years....
of war/desolations/destructions/plagues-an Anti-Christ world reign in a anti-religious anti-human anti-moral population of earth !!
(ergo--> the AC is not a mortal & only reigns for 3.5years
so, the speculations of who is AC, where is AC, how does AC ascend to world domination for a time?
all are vacuous mems...the AC by definition will instantly appear( in a reanimated 3 day old corpse) & then made KNOWN)

s/ riff raff

posted on Sep, 20 2003 @ 07:13 AM
Thanks Riff.....

If you dont mind me asking, Who is that in your Avator?


posted on Sep, 23 2003 @ 12:27 AM
Found some more prophecy related to our future and the world scenario at the end of times....

these ''prophecies'' that are early written before the great schism are of 1054...are of particular interest........make up your own minds....


link below..

posted on Sep, 23 2003 @ 12:33 AM
For those AGAINST having leaders in the Church....

IN THE VERY BEGINNING of the Christian Church the Apostles appointed successors to guide and guard the Church. These leaders were called presbyters, bishops and patriarchs.
Presbyters were appointed as pastors of single churches, bishops were appointed as pastors over geographical areas that encompassed often hundreds of churches and patriarchs were spiritual advisors over the bishops and presbyters and all the churches.

This form of hierarchy was carried over from the Old Testament times of Moses (Exodus 18:13-21, II Timothy 2:1-7). ( And is today practised by many Jews).....but they still await the words)

Although there were hundreds of bishops throughout Christendom, there were only five Patriarchs�one for each of the five important cities in the empire: Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, and Rome. All took counsel with one another, having Christ as the head, and there was no one person who ruled the Church. All significant decisions were made only in council (Acts 15), no one patriarch or bishop having absolute superiority over another, but all working together in equality. Through this hierarchy the Church had succeeded for centuries in maintaining unity.

posted on Sep, 23 2003 @ 02:03 AM
Malachi seems legit due to the conciseness of his prophecies and the long time line.

If we exist in past, present and future concurrently then prophecy is not impossible. Mind you 'small details' may not be divined at all due to variability.

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