posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 09:08 AM
The future of American Government..........
.....we are almost there.........
Large Multinational Corporations and the Internaional banking cartels through campaign contributions, Washington lobbies and intenational debt
financing are dicating who gets the play in the religated puppet role in American political power they pull all the
Our profit margins of unbridled and unaccountable corporate charters runs the show in Washington...........and the military is their ultimate enforcer
of "corporate foreign policy" when international banking dept financing fails.......
The result is we are erdoring our Constitution and losing our Republic........
Our government is fast becoming the anithesis of a body that is suppose to serve the people in the representation and rights outlined by Jefferson in
the Declaration of Independence and by Madison in the Constitution...........
Any grass roots patriotic effort to establish efforts in this country to adhear to our Constitution and bill of rights is ridiculed by those in power
as outdated extreme overly fundamentalistic views of our country's founding fathers......
Do you think we have a chance for the people of this republic to ever be heard again within the halls of Washington with these two puppet parties in
place today??
Do you think that a common patriot...... of vision, compassion, intelligence, integrity and conviction has a chance to raise up among the people run
for President today??
Do you think their voice could be heard by voters when the vehicle of his voice.........the media, ultimately receives its paycheck from mulitnational
corporate advertising???
The deck is stacked against the people and what our founding fathers warned us about.............unchecked economic and military power
...the future of our government is soon to be here.....
A government and its military interventions controlled by corporations and international banking (mostly American based).......
....a government, of the corporation, by the corporation and for the corporation...........
Read the book.........
"when corporations rule the world" - by David Korten