posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 10:26 PM
Current US fiscal policy:
1. The encouragement of massive immigration of cheap labour and off-shoring of jobs.
2. Tax cuts for the rich.
2. Vast sums of public money funded into the military-industrial complex.
All effectively make the rich richer and the not rich poorer. We're going back to the 1920's. If you havn't, I suggest you read the Great
The rights founded by post-war egalitarian democracies are being rolled-back. It started with Reagan and Thatcher. Keep the pesants down!
But Bush and Blair have carried it to the extreme. Why are they hell-bent on ruining their own countries? Is it design or incompetence? Why did we
invade Iraq? Answer that and you have the reason the dollar is in free-fall.
[edit on 29-10-2005 by rizla]