posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 02:05 AM
There's a new
Vote NO on Prop. 77 commercial hitting the airwaves this week, here in California. (For those who don' t know, Prop. 77 is
California's Redistricting Proposition on this election year ballot.)
In the ad, we see three judges fussing over a map of California and maticulously cutting it into ITTY BITTY pieces. All the time, a voice-over tells
us about how BAD Prop. 77 is, that it's a power grap by a select few, and we
must vote NO!!
At the end of the commercial there is a final
VOTE NO ON PROP 77!! and we see the California map reassembled...IN THE SHAPE OF TEXAS!!
Here's a link that discusses it further
[edit on 26-10-2005 by Toelint]