posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 05:15 PM
"how politicians turn you against the media"
Now that is rich...very rich...deep too!!
I learned how heavy a paper curtain was over America years and years ago before the advent of home computers. I listened to shortwave radio and
foreign brodcasting when many stations would broadcast in English. From BBC. Radio Israel..Radio Canada, South Africa , Radio Moscow etc etc. It was
quite a shock to me in those days to learn how much news and information was out there and never entered American Airspace.
My awareness of this was enhanced when one of my friends got a new job at a Richmond, Virginia newspaper as one of the night maintnencemen. While
visiting me he told me that he sometimes had opportunity to see the news items coming in over the wires. He then told me that what got into the paper
the next day was heavily dependent on the bias of the chief editors of the paper. In otherwords their political slant. Only less than ten percent of
the items coming in over the wire even made the news and most of those on the back pages ..not the front pages. He also confirmed to me that the bulk
of the information out there never reached the Amereican Public. Remember ..this was before home computers.
Do not ever think that this could not be done in the time of home computers. It would be more difficult but it can be done here too.
My distrust of the media..all of the media....extends before the advent of home computers and blogs like this one and from long before this psuedo
Republican/Democrat dichomoty that seems to be so prevalent on these boards.
As to Danno....Dan Rather long ago in the minds of thinking Americans lost his neutral stance when it became obvious he was so neutral and middle of
the road. How dare Americans think anything else. Others will follow unless the media catchs on to the concept that they may be thier own worst enemy.
By their political biases they will make themselves obselete. By this I mean all of the media.
This is why you see so many new faces in the CNN format and the other big three news media outlets. They realize they have a huge credibility loss
with the viewers if they dont catch on and adjust accordingly. This is not a concept they will come out and tell the public directly just need
to be aware of it when watching these networks. Fox will too if they dont pay attention and spend to much time singing their praises.
Do not ever totally trust the report the news without their own political bias or spin on it..including and especially Fox. They are all
in the ratings game. You people have computer access ..check it out on your own..and not just from Stateside sources. Lots of foreign networks and
newspapers on line. That is the wonderful thing about the Web.
One more thing Rant...all the networks are 24 hour infomericals..not just Fox. Like politicians the networks are in the buisness of selling souls..for
and to a whore called Politics. All of them.!! They all just have to be able to decode the spin.