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The Halliburtan Brown and Root Conspiracy.

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posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 03:02 PM
In 1963 Kennedy was killed possible by an assassination network operated by the King Ranch group and Clint Murchison in Mexico.

After that LBJ escalted the war in vietnam.

Who were the main beneficiaries of that war.

LBJ was a sleeper put in power by the King Ranch, which as was shown in part I of this series, is closely tied to Anne Armstrong, is a director of Halliburton. In 1942 until he left public office, LBJ was financed completely by Brown and Root, now part of Halliburton. In 1960 LBJ was thrust upon Kennedy as his vice president so LBJ could carry Texas for Kenney. LBJ had proved in 1948 that he and his team could guarantee winning the Texas vote. In 1963 Kennedy was killed most likely by an assassination network operated by the King Ranch group and Clint Murchison in Mexico. Murchison was, of course, very close to Rockefeller. As soon as LBJ became president, he escalated the war in Vietnam, which primarily benefited Brown and Root. If this year's election fraud is allowed to stand, what does Halliburton, headed by Dick Cheney, have planned for us?

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 03:45 PM
Brown and Root had no affiliation to Halliburton during the Viet Nam war, therefore any insinuations about how Brown and Root profited off the conflict cannot be tied to Halliburton.

There is no such thing as the "King Ranch group".

Please explain how Murchison or Rockerfeller is connected to 1963.

Halliburton is not headed by Dick Cheney.

I can probably connect myself to Kevin Bacon in 5 people...

I have never met him.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 04:53 PM

When one is formally off the board, but one is on the side influencing (nay, specifying) the awarding of contracts as (say) the VP of a major global superpower, and there is no open bidding for those contracts and the contracts are awarded to one's former charge and now crony, in order to profiteer, this is corruption of the highest order.

And the truth will out, generally to unrelated disinterested observers, months before others.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 05:00 PM
I beleive that Halliburtan was headed by chaney for 5-years before he became vice president.

Prior to its acquisition by Halliburton, Brown & Root was a politically-connected Texas company that virtually owned Lyndon Johnson from his days as a crooked local politician.

Its investment in Johnson yielded windfall returns as Johnson moved to national prominence, eventually becoming President when JFK was assassinated (in Texas).

Whether Johnson's primary motivation for escalating and maintaining the Vietnam War was to benefit Brown & Root is impossible to determine, but Brown & Root was a leading war profiteer.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 05:14 PM
Kellog Brown and Root were awarded lucrative contracts in Afghanistan.

Employees of Kellogg Brown and Root, a subsidiary of the Dallas-based Halliburton Corp. (once run by Vice President Dick Cheney), are scheduled to arrive at the Bagram air base in southern Afghanistan to take over the day-to-day support services at the Force Provider camp starting in late April or early May (the exact date is classified).

They are also set to arrive at the Khanabad air base in Uzbekistan, one of the main military support stations for the war in Afghanistan, to run three Air Force Harvest Eagle camps (an older version of Force Provider) for the 1,500 U.S. troops based there since October, according to Daniel McGinty, a spokesperson at the Defense Contract Management Agency, which will be overseeing the contracts.

"They [Brown and Root] will be maintaining these packages, [doing] base camp maintenance, facilities maintenance, laundry services, food services, airfield services, property accountability, and supply operations," says Gale L. Smith, a spokesperson for the U.S. Army Operations Support Command in Alexandria, Va. (Brown and Root is now named Kellogg Brown and Root, following a corporate merger, but is often referred to by its previous name.) She refused to confirm or deny whether Brown and Root would be working on similar bases in Manas, Kyrgyzstan, or other sites in Afghanistan and Pakistan to support Operation Enduring Freedom.

The new job is one of the first examples of a private company being awarded a lucrative contract from the Pentagon to run the day-to-day support operations on the battlefield. In December 2001, Brown and Root secured a 10-year deal called Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), according to a Pentagon press release.

The contract is a "cost-plus-award-fee, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity service," which basically means that the federal government has an open-ended mandate and budget to send Brown and Root anywhere in the world to run humanitarian or military operations for a profit.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 05:27 PM
"That those no bid contracts were granted , and now the profits are being funneled into the US stock exchange,which gives a false indication that the economy is on an upswing when in reality it is in freefall.
A Bird Told Me."

Very interesting. Possible?

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Valhall

Brown and Root had no affiliation to Halliburton during the Viet Nam war, therefore any insinuations about how Brown and Root profited off the conflict cannot be tied to Halliburton.

There is no such thing as the "King Ranch group".

Please explain how Murchison or Rockerfeller is connected to 1963.

Halliburton is not headed by Dick Cheney.

Look at my questions...neither of you have answered a single one. MA came close by insinuating Dick's former connection has something to do with current contracts, but the others were just completely ignored.

Oh well, this trend of dancing around direct questions seems to be the MO here lately.

As I stated before, I rate the stock a BUY.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 05:38 PM

Halliburton is not headed by Dick Cheney.

Give me a break.

I did address this issue.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Valhall

Brown and Root had no affiliation to Halliburton during the Viet Nam war, therefore any insinuations about how Brown and Root profited off the conflict cannot be tied to Halliburton.

There is no such thing as the "King Ranch group".

Please explain how Murchison or Rockerfeller is connected to 1963.

Halliburton is not headed by Dick Cheney.

I can probably connect myself to Kevin Bacon in 5 people...

I have never met him.


I didn't see your questions, or feel inclined to answer, because - there weren't any!

In the English language, it has been generally accepted as convention that a question will end in this punctuation mark - ?

In Spanish they do it better, putting an inverted one at the start of the question to catch the eye of drunkards and post-siesta somnambulants.

Now, to reaffirm:

(1) Cheney was on the specifying side, and particpated in the no-bid awarding of contracts to his former charge

(2) Cheney is a senior member of the Bush administration, the most corrupt and deceitful gang of criminals ever to assume power in Washington DC.

That's all I need to know!

But I did ask a question.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 05:43 PM

You just picked one question out and ignored the others. Halliburton is NOT headed by Dick Cheney. Yes, Halliburton WAS headed by Dick Cheney. We were all here when he quit to be on the ticket. The current contract was made while Cheney headed Halliburton.

Now, we have that out of the way. Dick Cheney is NOT head of Halliburton.

What about the other outlandish statements? That because Halliburton eventually acquired B&R, they some how played some sinister part in Viet Nam...or better yet in knocking of JFK? What about the insinuated connection between Halliburton, Murchison and the Rock? What about a conspiracy page that makes up a name "The King Ranch Group" in order to develop their conspiracy theory? What about the conspiracy theorists who take said made up phrases and run with them like they left their brains in their foot locker?

I know, my questions are only growing. Such happens when people start dancing.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

Originally posted by Valhall

Brown and Root had no affiliation to Halliburton during the Viet Nam war, therefore any insinuations about how Brown and Root profited off the conflict cannot be tied to Halliburton.

There is no such thing as the "King Ranch group".

Please explain how Murchison or Rockerfeller is connected to 1963.

Halliburton is not headed by Dick Cheney.

I can probably connect myself to Kevin Bacon in 5 people...

I have never met him.


I didn't see your questions, or feel inclined to answer, because - there weren't any!

In the English language, it has been generally accepted as convention that a question will end in this punctuation mark - ?

In Spanish they do it better, putting an inverted one at the start of the question to catch the eye of drunkards and post-siesta somnambulants.

Now, to reaffirm:

(1) Cheney was on the specifying side, and particpated in the no-bid awarding of contracts to his former charge

(2) Cheney is a senior member of the Bush administration, the most corrupt and deceitful gang of criminals ever to assume power in Washington DC.

That's all I need to know!

But I did ask a question.

Yes, but in Spanish the inflection goes down in a question...which can make things even more confusing. your waiting for ??? and it never comes.

Maybe you were reading my question-mark-less statements off contradictory evidence that I assumed would be addressed in the Spanish inflection instead of in the interrogatory nature in which I meant them.

In the future, since I now see you have your ever watchful grammar check going on my posts...I'll do mo bettah?

p.s. In the realm of statements that should be followed by a question mark...this one looks like a really good candidate...

"...the Bush administration, the most corrupt and deceitful gang of criminals ever to assume power in Washington DC."

bein's as I'm sure you can't prove it.

[Edited on 14-9-2003 by Valhall]

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 06:59 PM
This is not news to me at all, but it will be to some ATSers who care.

The V-P is the centre of the Bush admin's neo-con corruption think tank. The estimates of his rewards from his former charge Halliburton are vastly 'misunderestimated' by Democrats, but then they have to deal with known paper trails and not speculate on the one trillion dollars (US$1,000,000,000,000) misappropriated by the Pentagon in scams like these.

Democrats Question Cheney's Halliburton Payments
Tue September 16, 2003 04:30 PM ET
By Susan Cornwell
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Dick Cheney, a former CEO of Halliburton Co., has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the company since taking office while asserting he has no financial interest in the company, Senate Democrats said on Tuesday.

The Democrats demanded to know why Cheney claimed to have cut ties with the oil services company, involved in a large no-bid contract for oil reconstruction work in Iraq, when he was still receiving large deferred salary payments.

Senate Democratic Leader Thomas Daschle of South Dakota and New Jersey Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg said the revelations reinforced the need for hearings about the no-bid contracts Halliburton received from the Bush administration.

"The vice president needs to explain how he reconciles the claim that he has 'no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind,' with the hundreds of thousands of dollars in deferred salary payments he receives from Halliburton," Daschle said in a statement.

On NBC's "Meet the Press" program last Sunday, Cheney, who was Halliburton's CEO from 1995 to 2000, said he had severed all ties with the Houston-based company.

(article continues with more juicy numbers, including KB&R's unaudited expenses in Iraq).

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 06:59 PM
This is not news to me at all, but it will be to some ATSers who care.

The V-P is the centre of the Bush admin's neo-con corruption think tank. The estimates of his rewards from his former charge Halliburton are vastly 'misunderestimated' by Democrats, but then they have to deal with known paper trails and not speculate on the one trillion dollars (US$1,000,000,000,000) misappropriated by the Pentagon in scams like these.

Democrats Question Cheney's Halliburton Payments
Tue September 16, 2003 04:30 PM ET
By Susan Cornwell
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Dick Cheney, a former CEO of Halliburton Co., has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the company since taking office while asserting he has no financial interest in the company, Senate Democrats said on Tuesday.

The Democrats demanded to know why Cheney claimed to have cut ties with the oil services company, involved in a large no-bid contract for oil reconstruction work in Iraq, when he was still receiving large deferred salary payments.

Senate Democratic Leader Thomas Daschle of South Dakota and New Jersey Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg said the revelations reinforced the need for hearings about the no-bid contracts Halliburton received from the Bush administration.

"The vice president needs to explain how he reconciles the claim that he has 'no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind,' with the hundreds of thousands of dollars in deferred salary payments he receives from Halliburton," Daschle said in a statement.

On NBC's "Meet the Press" program last Sunday, Cheney, who was Halliburton's CEO from 1995 to 2000, said he had severed all ties with the Houston-based company.

(article continues with more juicy numbers, including KB&R's unaudited expenses in Iraq).

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 07:05 PM
MA, why do I think that the only reason you are so close on my points is because you habitually double, tripple, quadruple, and even quintuple post in pursuit of points???

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 07:20 PM
1. My best accidental post was a sextuplet.

2. Paranoia of having a mysterious entity on your tail would naturally elicit your reaction.

3. What the system gives me, it gives me with no effort on my part to corrupt or abuse it, or hide any shady dealings. All my interactions with Board members are here to see.

Unlike the criminally corrupt and due to depart disgrace called the Bush administration.

* By the by, I'm not even on salary! AND I didn't take my full Bonus Issue! If I had taken the full points made available to your bodyguard Banshee (with my blessing) for my picture of Stonehenge that adorns the top of the screen on rotation, you would now be eating my dust!!!! AND what's more, I'm just revving in neutral!)

[Edited on 18-9-2003 by MaskedAvatar]


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