posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 10:41 AM
IT seems that science also has the 'Trickle Down' effect..
check out this story;
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Some time back, i posted a n 'absurd' story that in the near future (2012-2060) probably coinciding with the Maya -end of cycle date-
the earth & solar neighborhood would be 'flooded' by a gamma & x-ray & exotic quantum particle, 'death beam'
which sources from the Galactic core's Black Hole (Saggitarius A*) situated 26,000 light years from earth...
this 'outlandish...fantasy' now has a credible scientific source (NASA) as a evidentary platform on which to base this claim...that indeed a
radiation source...40,000 light years away CAN affect the Earth, and cause damage!!
Now, for the few or many others, who have also tuned-in-to the '100th monkey principle'...but until now, didn't decipher what information was being
revealed to mankind (universal-unconsciousness/great spirit/gnosis/idea-sphere/noosphere/group mind/holy ghost/ or whatever your own definition of
this realm)
NOW, you have some solid info...and the place to build upon & evolve & put-flesh-on the Story.
Also to prepare....for the comming cosmic event
(which can be viewed as divine judgement, by some)
enjoy your journey