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FEAR!!! = #1) Control Method

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posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 05:12 AM
Hi, has anyone else noticed that about 60-70% of new theatrical movies are horror-fear realated? Maybe I'm just being paranoid (thats me for ya) but it may be the gov't adding even more fear to the hearts of americans then what is already seen on the news and through out the entire globe.

Take a look at not only any local news station, but national as well (CNN).. The main purpose of the media in the US is to spread fear within americans, causing them to need more "protection" from the inevitable.
(ie buying more guns, fall out shelter gear, locks, alarms, etc) If you don't believe me watch "Bowling for Columbine" or read books by Noam Chomsky, and Michael Moore.

Spread of fear and panic results in more and more people wanting protection from all the so called "terrorists" out there. If you think about it.. what are the chances that you will be attacked by a "terrorist"?? [ 1 in 100,000 , 1 in 10,000,000] ?

The entire United States news networks main purpose is not to give you the news, but to spread fear to gain control of the american people. (brainwashing you fiction from the truth)

All I have to say is.... Say hi to the NWO!

[Edited on 14-9-2003 by CPYKOmega]

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 11:15 AM
very true!

So what does one do?

I mean, what is the worst that can happen?
You die.....
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
(Matt. 10:28 KJV)

The movies are the least of our problems......What awaits us is nothing that we can imagine!

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 11:28 AM
Fear is a primitive trait humans carry from animal instinct of past
that is a part of the fight or flight protection system. Fear is the
mind killer. Fear is what hides below and motivates anger.
Anger being an emotion only produced for defence. A scared animal is more likely to attack in autonomic defence. News, television, and all human (so it seems) media thrives on keeping
people in negative flux which is why people in the 'developed
countries' are held down. One sees mostly negative or violent
imagery as a staple to our culture.

In China there is a law that a certain (cannot remember the exact
percentage but it is more than half if memory serves) portion of
news is required to be positive. It is of course due to the biological fact that dense populations in small environments cause
higher agitation or violence in species.

Are we getting more violent because of movies or are the movies
more violent as we desensitize?

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Lucifer
In China there is a law that a certain (cannot remember the exact
percentage but it is more than half if memory serves) portion of
news is required to be positive. It is of course due to the biological fact that dense populations in small environments cause
higher agitation or violence in species.

Are we getting more violent because of movies or are the movies
more violent as we desensitize?

Why doesn't the USA adopt the same laws as China? Here in Canada our news is regulated so there is 50% positive 50% negative coverage. When I turn from a canadian channel to an american the difference in coverage is mind boggling.

People must realize that the NWO is real and until 80% of the pop knows this and doesn't dismiss it as "crazy talk" we will forever live with fear in our souls.

Some countries are taking very small steps to rid themselfs of fear... until the superpower of the world adopts these practices we will never be free. But then again the ample number of US participants that exist are NWO.

What do you think people? In 2005 are you ready to say Yes to the New world Order????

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 03:23 PM
I see fear as almost useless. Sure, it helps keep animals alive but for us all it seems to do is stress us out. The biggest thing that can happen to you is you die. If you have faith in any religion then dying is not really that bad. So what is there to really be affraid of.
Besides, ruling with fear is flawed. Eventually, people overcome their fears, what happens to the rules then.....?

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 03:34 PM
Only controls the timid and the weak!

Fear nothing, but fear itself.

Do not fear the person, but what that person could do to you...

There is nothing to be afraid of, but Gods judgement in the end times....guess what time it is?

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 03:47 PM
yet love is a very potent tool as well...
i pray we use such over easy means of manipulation...

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
yet love is a very potent tool as well...
i pray we use such over easy means of manipulation...

Yes, unfortunetly love of "money" is the main factor of manipulation. And that is exactly what controls, those who have it have and those who don't.

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 07:09 PM
So what does one do?

Don't go to the movies if it scares you.

Don't talk to strangers, they may be the F.B.I

Don't go to sleep at night, you might not wake up.

Don't go out with your friends they might make fun of you and it would hurt your feelings. Don't have any friends. Don't listen to your parents, they are only steering you the wrong way. And never never never eat from a fast food restaurant. They just may be poisoning your food.

I learned this when I was two yrs old. And I just remembered it after I read this post....ooooh, I'm scared now!

I might fall offf my chairlaughing.....

Hey you little munchkin. Where did YOU learn about this stuff?
"What do you think people? In 2005 are you ready to say Yes to the New world Order???? "

I can't believe what the heck people pick up on. You. Where did YOU hear this? I mean, wasn't it suppose to be the year 2000? You munchkins are way too swift. Looks like YOUR psychic ability is IN tact! Who taught you this anyway? Where? Did you read something on the posts in this place? OH my goodness, you people are starting to freak ME out!

[Edited on 9/16/2003 by SamaraMorgueAnn]

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 07:10 PM
to quote some man ho studied in waset...
the only thing to fear is fear itself...

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 08:40 PM
Fear is good for the economy. You buy to protect and comfort.

Fear begets helplessness and you turn to your protector - the government. In order for them to protect you, you must trust them. They tell you the source of the fear is terrorists. You want the fear removed -you support them.

As the marketing men would say - that's good numbers!

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by kegs

Fear begets helplessness and you turn to your protector - the government. In order for them to protect you, you must trust them. They tell you the source of the fear is terrorists. You want the fear removed -you support them.

As the marketing men would say - that's good numbers!

You are either a spy or work for CNN

Most people in the world are not helpless infants. They do not need their gov't "watching over them" and protecting them from "terrorists" Please read my first post more carefully.

The fact of the matter is the US government has a 50% or greater role in most of the so called "terrorist" attacks. Don't beleive everything you read/hear.

Also who actually trusts their gov't nowadays? I would say 30-40% of the population. Speaking of removing the fear, as you put it....

The essence of the current state of Fear was created to fuel the economy and coerce fear, elevating ignorance.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 10:31 AM
Anyody watch Fear Factor last night?

We've even got game shows about fear!!

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 10:36 AM
lol, nope but I love that show

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 12:58 PM
Omega, haha umm. I was feeling a little cynical when I wrote that. I was speaking of the psychological effect that they are trying to achieve with the promotion of fear, not the actual situation as it now. Of course I wasn't speaking of everyone, 20% - 30% as you say is about right and it is that 20%- 30% that it is aimed at. It is a gradual psychological effect that is engrained over time. You don't actually say "oh I'm frightened, I better trust my Gov to help me". The purpose is to create feelings of helplessness amongst the people that it can, which creates amongst other things a delegation of responsibility on their part to the Government and also helps to create apathy. However small the number of people it manages to effect in this way and however small a subconscious effect it has is worth it to them. It is only one tool in the box, not a cover-all for everyone. What percentage of Americans actually vote anyway?

The US government has a 50% or greater role in most of the so called "terrorist" attacks.

That was my point. Read my post more carefully.

"They tell you the source of the fear is terrorists. You want the fear removed -you support them." � kegs.

Don't beleive everything you read/hear.

Arrgh! Give me a bit of credit. Part of my job involves sifting through reams of media from different countries, but mainly the British press. I'm well versed in detecting propaganda, I have to sift it out. (I can speed read like a mother#er too!

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 04:36 AM
LOL! nice man

Yea, I agree with you regarding some of your views.
I am very pro-canadian and a little anti-american

Also I am still very young and am only starting to "voice my opinions" so alot of what I say is based on my true inner tuitions, not solid evidence based.

by the way I just got back from the bar its 3:30 am and I am still drunk


posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 04:42 AM
Greed = #1.
Fear = #2.

And as it was pointed out to me by an astute member recently, Greed is just Fear of missing out on the good stuff.

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