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Patterson Reel number 2 ?( Bought At Yardsale)

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posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 08:06 AM
I'm sorry but.....why wouldn't patterson have ever mentioned this? The guy on the forum may be sincere, but he doesn't have any control over the provenence of the reel, someone else coudl've hoaxed it, and it could've changed hands a dozen times.

Also, and I may've missed this, but why does the poster in the other forum know its a patterson film?

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 04:36 PM
Sasquatcher says that the film canister was marked Patterson #2 when he purchased it Nygdan. Also he was very familiar with the original film that has been discussed for all these years. I do not think he would hoax or lie about this considering he has been a member of this other forum as long as he has with no doubtful posts before made by him. ( could be wrong but I do no think so ) He has always been very sincere with his comments before.
Of course now very upset that folks have doubted his claim. There have been claims that this #2 film had been stolen or missing but I have no proof of this except what has been said. Could the wife that sold this to him not knowing have found the stolen film ? One thing I found interesting is that he has not been banded from the other forum and only warned. I think time will only tell if true or not. The only thing that disturbes me is if true why would they want to keep this secret. ( The Pattersons ) It is fact that they went back later and did film the location and tracks left by Patty again as shown by clip a researcher had but no one has seen film in entirety. If true would love to see in full length version.


posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 04:46 PM
The Pattersons would never sit on this. Money rules this world and this would be worth A LOT to the Pattersons.

They may choose to keep it quiet for a while until they have sorted out a new documentary.

Why did the Pattersons hear about this guy selling his tape, no0one else knew he was selling it except those on that forum.

If he wanted to be believed he should have asked the forum to vote for the member who they most trusted to go to his house and view the film.

You have to ask a copyright lawyer if there was a cat's chance in hell that he would be able to get and own copyright to something like this. And as I said there must be public records on copyrights. I don't believe him at all.

If it were me I would have auctioned it. not on Ebay, I mean at a professional auction house like Sothebys, but one that dealt in articles of this nature.

[edit on 7/11/2005 by Wig]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 05:00 PM
Wig, I do agree with your thinking but still does not make logic why anyone would post sincere that long and all of a sudden come up with a hoax like this. What would he have to gain ? I know strange changes happen to people but this indeed would shock me. Also as said before why would Patterson keep this quite ? Alot of questions and no answers.


posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 05:14 PM
I can't see when he joined the forum (i don't have that access) but he's only done like 132 posts, when others are over 700, and Huntster is on 3,900 so he isn't that long standing in the group is he?

People get bored with groups online and before they leave they start to mouth off a little at other users because they no longer care about the consequences as they intend to move on anyway.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 05:40 PM
He joined in 2003. If you go back and read his posts you will see what I mean. I emailed sasquatcher and asked him if this reel was as good as the first and he did answer but could not comment on the film as per his agreement. We will just have to wait and see.

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