I always used to think that I wouldn't be alive for the next world war. But I suppose there's been one in the 2 generations before me so why not
mine? It's so easy to sit back and take all that I have for granted when the reality is that I should probably be packing up some non perishable
foods, and bottling some water.
Bill O'Reily said we were in WWIII. He seemed to get a kick out of it. He relished in it a bit too much in my opinion. I thought he was high to make
such a ridiculous statement.
well theres been war all over the world for a long time, it's just not a buncha countries choosing sides and fighting it's usa attacking a crapload
of other countries for it's own gain, with support of certain otehr countries at certain times
I dont really think this qualifies as world war yet. I just imagine it would have to be one some scale related to WW1 and WW2 for me to consider it
WW3. I dont quite see how it could happen unless all the countries fighting agreed not to use nuclear weapons and instead to go with traditional
warefare. They probably would just avoid major all together.