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Roswell question?

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posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 07:08 AM
There might be an obvious answer to this question that I have over looked, but this recently occured to me:

Project mogul was the codename for the weather baloon test to detect Russian atomic tests, it also had the same top secret security as the original Manhattan project...So if this test was so secret why did the Air Force reveal to the public (jesse marcel photo) that the debris from these tests is what was found in the desert. Ad the other thing, why would they transport it all over the country from Roswell to Ft.Worth to Wright Patterson if it was just busted radar targets...why not just discard it?

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 07:33 AM
It doesn't make much sense to fly Balsa Wood and Tin Foil out to the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright/Patterson does it ?

But it makes alot of sense if the witnesses are telling the truth about a crashed Disc.

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 09:24 AM
They did prove that it was phyisicly impossible for a mogal balloon to leave a debre field as large as Brazel, Marcel etc described.

A top secret plane doesn't make any sense either. Not one bit.

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 09:40 AM
It was probably some FBI or CIA agent strung out on coffee sent out to the local general store to find something that they coule make public, and foil and a piece of metal with some strange markings were the only thing he came back with.

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 09:55 AM
One of the big problems with the roswell story is that so many attempts to say the witness were just ignorant neaderthals who couldnt tell a ballon from a disc? never has made mush sense and some one is lying and I got my money on the gov. As I have always heard something crashed in the desert and it was obviously something of technical importance as where it was taken.

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 09:58 AM
The weight of credible, albeit anecdotal, evidence supporting the assertion that the government has not told the truth with regard to Roswell is sufficient to draw the conclusion that we don't know what happened.

We can be certain, however, that the explanations provided to us are either patently false or, at least, partially filled with disinformation. The government knows this, but appears to believe that the "fringe" lunatics that continue to ask about it will never affect mainstream thought. Given the 4 year election cycle, each administration is probably thinking that it will be someone else's problem when (and if) the disgust of the informed public over the information we've been provided ever reaches the national spotlight.

That time does appear to be coming, given the upsurge in interest in extraterrestrial phenomena, that there will be some sort of national interest in finding out the truth... but at present, despite the various et-related TV shows and "documentaries" on the History and Nat. Geo. channels, to be no more than a growing oddity of unexplained events in the past.

Truly, there will need to be some big, "in your face" event to capture the public attention and bring the issue of government conspiracy to a head.

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Centrist
Truly, there will need to be some big, "in your face" event to capture the public attention and bring the issue of government conspiracy to a head.

Good luck with that.....

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 11:46 PM
"Project mogul was the codename for the weather balloon test to detect Russian atomic tests, it also had the same top secret security as the original Manhattan project." == van001

I suspect Mogul was one of two codenames used for the Acoustical Research project. I believe the other codename might be "Rockfish". The project name
may have changed due to a security breach.
A 1946 Hq AMC memorandum that turned up (GAO stuff to answer Congressman Schiff, attachment 19, I believe) specifies that the scientific data for Project Mogul be
classified TOP SECRET, Priority IA. That would make Mogul a compartmented, sensitive effort.
Doctor Spilhaus, Professor Moore, and certain others of the NYU group were aware of the actual purpose of the project, according to the USAF, but they did not know
of the project nickname at the time. They handled casual inquiries and/or scientific inquiries/papers in terms of "unclassified meteorological or balloon research."
Newly hired employees were not made aware that there was anything special or classified about their work; they were told only that their work dealt with meteorological equipment.

"So if this test was so secret why did the Air Force reveal to the public (jesse marcel photo) that the debris from these tests is what was found in the desert." == van001

Only the mission, the scientific DATA was classified. The weather balloon story smells to me of a cover, NOT a cover-up. Deflecting interest AWAY from Mogul by
indicating a weather balloon was the culprit is not quite accurate, not quite inaccurate, and precisely what cover's are designed to do. Here is an interestng little
remark from the USAF research report.
On July 10, 1947, following the Ramey press conference, the Alamogordo News published an article with photographs demonstrating multiple balloons and targets
at the same location as the NYU group operated from at Alamogordo AAF. Professor Moore expressed surprise at seeing this since his, was the only balloon test group
in the area. He stated, "It appears that there was some type of umbrella cover story to protect our work with Mogul ". == end quote

"why would they transport it all over the country from Roswell to Ft.Worth to Wright Patterson if it was just busted radar targets" == van001

You need to transport your thinking to the time it occurred. Also, radar targets, as opposed to weather balloons were so uncommon that few
in the military would have recognized them. Once at Wright Patterson, Col Duffy was well qualified to make the final determination, as he had
overall responsibility for Mogul at the time. To this very day, modern tow "targets" which are the modern day equivalent are seriously mis-identified by
military folk and others who do not work directly with them.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 11:51 PM
what if the ameriacan government of the time made up the ufo story, and the mogul story, and just made a big confusing mess out of it to cover up or cover somthing else?

i dont know what else it would be,

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:07 AM
"what if the ameriacan government of the time made up the ufo story, and the mogul story, and just made a big confusing mess out of it to cover up or cover somthing else?

i dont know what else it would be." == tiddly54

Thanks for the speculation here. You are getting close to another possibility. The ufo story, ergo the "flying disc" story was not made up. There is physical
evidence, a paper trail, to prove the news release stuff. The mogul story was not made up either, but the paper trail for mogul is where all the
anomalies and curios start to show up. If you dont believe me, try some detailed FOIA inquiries on mogul.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:24 AM
yeah, a huge big manufactrured trail, designed to hide the real truth

of what though? what else could there be?

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
One of the big problems with the roswell story is that so many attempts to say the witness were just ignorant neaderthals who couldnt tell a ballon from a disc? never has made mush sense and some one is lying and I got my money on the gov. As I have always heard something crashed in the desert and it was obviously something of technical importance as where it was taken.

I agree whats makes it even worst is some of the people that claimed to see a disc were highly trained people in our own military. People that were working with the 509th the only ones armed with Atomic bombs at the time.
If these guys couldnt tell the difference between something "not ours" and tinfoil and some balsa wood we are in trouble.

I dont buy the whole Disc story was a cover made up to hide Mogul either. What a idea that would have been claiming to have captured a alien craft that wouldnt spark public interest
These people were not stupid if they really wanted to hide mogul they would have went with the weather ballon first. That wouldnt even have made the papers

[edit on 16-10-2005 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:58 AM
if you remember the story the air focre did at first claim they had a disc, apparently to cover mogul, but then found they really had a disc, then said it was a weather balloon

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 01:03 AM
How can anyone buy that story. Say your the goverment and you want to keep a mogul crash secret. You want to keep it low key and not draw undo attention.

So lets tell everyone we captured a Alien Disc
LOL that would work. Anyone with half a brain would realize that would be nationwide news and reporters would be crawling all over the place.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 01:40 AM
"yeah, a huge big manufactrured trail, designed to hide the real truth " == tiddly54 Just the opposite. Anomalous exclusions, not inclusions. The trail has NOT been manufactured.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
How can anyone buy that story. Say your the goverment and you want to keep a mogul crash secret. You want to keep it low key and not draw undo attention.

So lets tell everyone we captured a Alien Disc
LOL that would work. Anyone with half a brain would realize that would be nationwide news and reporters would be crawling all over the place.

> snip<

I dont buy the whole Disc story was a cover made up to hide Mogul either. What a idea that would have been claiming to have captured a alien craft that wouldnt spark public interest These people were not stupid if they really wanted to hide mogul they would have went with the weather ballon first. That wouldnt even have made the papers

Exactly. The Mogul was designed to detect Soviet Nuclear tests. A mogul train was simply many polyurethane balloons in a chain with the appropriate sensors. The only thing classified about Mogul was what it was designed to detect. There was nothing secret about the materials used.

Any Radar targets on a Mogul train would simply allow you to follow the train for recovery.

So it makes no sense for a Mogul train to be lost near Roswell to begin with. Much less lay around in a field for days with no one looking for it.

Mac Brazel had found more than one regular polyurethane weather Balloons in his field before , and knew what they were. So for him to find a train of polyurethane balloons and not know what they were makes absolutely no sense.

Much less for Marcel and Brazel or anyone else at RAAF to mistake polyurethane weather Balloons and tin foil and balsa wood , defies fundamental logic.

Also the last thing anyone would do is put out a press release about polyurethane Balloons in the Desert, much less claim it is a downed "Disc" and generate worldwide attention.

Contemporary Radio Broadcast news flash of recovery of " Flying Disk". 210 KB

[edit on 16-10-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:57 AM
Here is a very interesting web site:

Dr. David Rudiak has been studying the famous Ramey note. Dr. David Rudiak was also in the Sci-Fi Channel Special, Roswell, Startling New evidence.

This is the note held by Brig. Gen. Roger Ramey during a photo shot of him and his chief of staff Col. Thomas Dubose holding the weather balloon debris. A large portion of the note is facing the camera.

Surrounding this, I find this really interesting:

#1. In 1994-1995 a government appointed lab (whom the government refused to identify) claim to be unable to see any details in the Ramey memo from 1st generation prints & negatives, even with the aid of computers & scanning equipment.

Dr. David Rudiak found some interesting statements in the letter. You be the judge, here is the link to the scans and work,

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