posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 11:06 PM
HORTON BAY - The peaceful, rolling farmland of Charlevoix County's Bay Township belies the potential armed confrontation that may develop there in a
matter of days.
A county district court judge has ordered by Thursday the removal of three manufactured homes from four acres on Camp Daggett Road. The family who
owns the property is vowing an armed confrontation with anyone who attempts to enforce the judge's order.
"We're going to have a standoff," said Lyle Barkley, 55.
"I'm not going to let them come in here and take this stuff," he said. "Over my dead body."
Barkley and members of his family may not be alone in their standoff. A Denver-based organization calling itself The Mutual Defense Pact - Second
American Revolution Militia has vowed to call on 600 or more armed individuals from across the country to defend the Barkleys' property.
Good picture with the article.