posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 02:29 AM
Originally posted by BirDMan_X
isnt there on are current periodic table charts 103 many do you think there are? and is it true that hydrogen is currently the first
elelment or could there be elelments with less w.e you call it...(im not that smart.jst want to learn somthin today)but there is the potential for
infinity elements i imagine.
There is an element that (sometimes) comes before Hydrogen on the periodic table, called Neutronium. It has an atomic number of 0 and an atomic weight
of 1, and is composed of a single free neutron. Theorized scenarios in which Neutronium is found include the core of neutron stars (called neutron
matter) and a somewhat "legendary" molecule called a tetraneutron. Neutronium's exsistence in normal situations is of some debate, and as such it
is not generally included in most periodic tables.
In terms of an upper limit to the periodic table, I would imagine that there would be a limit to the amount of particles that can be wedged together
to form an atom; at some point the nuclear forces would most likely become insufficient to hold the outer particles together.
Informative Links, worth a read:
Free Neutrons