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New bill to expand email, phone call tapping

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posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 10:02 PM
Yay ! Just what we need in Canada.

New legislation to expand the ability of authorities to monitor e-mails and telephone calls won't trample on civil rights, says Prime Minister Paul Martin.

Of course it wont !

"In every instance when the government brings forth this kind of legislation, obviously the question of civil rights is first and foremost in our minds and they will be protected," Martin said Tuesday during a visit to Toronto.

The Lawful Access bill, along with accompanying regulations to be introduced in the House of Commons next month, would require telecommunications service providers to install high-tech equipment that is "intercept capable."

The government wants to give police the tools to keep up with organized criminals and others deemed threats to Canada's security, who are using high-tech to get around wiretaps.

"The idea is to essentially ensure that when companies build new technologies, they build in the capability for police to do what they've always done on the previous technologies," said Alex Swann, a spokesman for Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan.

"Have the physical, literal ability to intercept communications if they have a warrant."

The new technology would give police and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Canada's spy agency, the ability to intercept the e-mail, Internet chat, telephone and cell phone conversations of thousands of people at a time.

I guess I should not be worried though, after all I'm no criminal.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Dulcimer
I guess I should not be worried though, after all I'm no criminal.

Sure, you are not...

But what should I say? Perhaps, I can see more about that criminal, than you might imagine. I don't like criminals, and I need no phone or mail tapping in order to get him to justice. But why to kill his cat?!

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 09:40 AM
Come on! When wil the government wise up? Its trampling on everyone's civil and human right of privacy. Its not on! What stupid legislation will they pass next? The right to kill anyone you don't like?

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